Our affiliate friends, Scott's Cheap flights, has been rebranded as Going. Simple! (No, this is not a farewell message from one of our team members.) So who is Scott and why is this noteworthy? His business model is simple, yet brilliant. 1. Follow airports. 2. Choose destinations …
This will be a rather simple post, courtesy of South America Travel Video. Click on the video and enjoy. Courtesy of FiftyPlus Nomad. Explore your world. South America is amazing.
“Well, in Colombia everybody’s very voluptuous, and you’re supposed to be. You don’t want to be skinny when all of your…
Well, this topic fills us with confusement. As if travel (and even simply enjoying yourself) isn't confusing enough at times, some clever marketing boffins and "influencers" often take it upon themselves to "kick it up a notch" and come up with the latest new buzz words. Of course, there are the classics: laser…
We set up a remote work community in the Tuscan mountains. One of our favourite sites / YouTube channels is Euronews.com. Mostly focused on Europe, our favourite place in the world, Euronews is also focused on the rest of the big wide world. They're erudite, funny, playful and right on target when…
If you're a rational person and are aware of the way the world (especially the Internet) works, the video below's title probably sounds like clickbait, but the as you further watch the video below, it actually describes a technology that we use even now - smelting. It may not sound interesting, but these…
Here's another post featuring a place where anyone can go, but it will take some effort. Still, in the case of the Port Couvreux islands, you will likely be the only one of your friends with this extreme location. We're willing to bet that this is news for you. Bragging rights. Known…
We can't be 100% certain, but we're pretty confident that if you visit the Matouring site, you're open-minded and open to almost anything. We suspect that the arts feature in your life. You love music, film, books, travel (of course) and the endless supply of the wonders in the world. If you're…
Iceland always has a pure, if mysterious allure for anyone who hasn't been. Cold and misty, yet with boiling volcanoes that keep the residents warm and the visitors coming. A Nordic nation, Iceland is defined by its dramatic landscape with beautiful mountains, hot springs and more. Massive glaciers are protected in Vatnajökull and Snæfellsjökull…
For one reason or another, when many people think of a European holiday, Budapest sometimes is overlooked as a destination. For those of us who have been fortunate enough to have visited that diverse, huge and historic city, we will never forget it. It acts as a bridge between the "East" and the…
We love football. And by that we mean the international game where you use your foot and your head to make the goals. We were glued to the television watching the recent World Cup 2022 matches, sometimes getting up at inhuman times of the day to catch the action. We won't divulge…
We're unashamed tech geeks here at Matouring, and probably our biggest thrill is aircraft. We love flying. Maybe not so much the squeezed seats and no legroom, but more about the aircraft themselves. Since the time of Covid 19, air travel (and most travel, to be fair) plummeted. No-one wanted to…
Ah, Paris. Can you ever get enough of it? We can't. The sites, the food, the museums. Well, how about this? Free museums in Paris. Almost seems too good to be true. But, true it is. You can save your Euros for a sumptuous lunch, instead. Finding…
Travel often include flight. You either love it or you hate it - sometimes both at the same time. We generally love it, despite the occasional hiccup. The number of flights performed globally by the airline industry increased steadily since the early 2000s and reached 38.9 million in 2019. However, due to…
We feature Europe here a lot because, well, we lived there for many years and we love it. But one thing that Europe excels in is the sheer variety and diversity that you can find in each country, city and person. One country that we feel is often overlooked is Slovenia. A…
Surely one of the most wonderful of things on the internet is being able to see what is going on in the big wide world. It's probably a tendency of all humans to gaze at our navels and never really push the boat out to find something different. That's why we love discovering…
Now . . . this post is dumb. Silly. Government regulations gone amok. Who thought of this? What benefit does it bring? What crime is it stopping? How much did it cost to implement, and how much does it cost to keep operating each year? And why -…
Mexico is a well-travelled and much-love destination for world-aware travelers. Above and beyond its gob-smacking food and its inexpensive cost of entry, it also shines because of its lovely inhabitants and all of the rich history that bathes the country. Like most places, it has its own issues to deal with, but that should…
Where three volcanoes smolder, the world’s most expensive coffee is made, and yoga has been practiced for more than 1,900 years… Of Indonesia's 17,000 tropical islands, Bali is one of the most famous. Its four million residents come accompanied with more than six million tourists per year as well as a large population of…
Are you one of those types who simply can't sit around when you're on holiday? (We're that way, for sure.) Now, given your stated mode of holiday, are you looking for the next big thing? Maybe something that you've always wanted to do, but were unsure where to start? How about getting…
Surely one of the least delightful experiences of travel is when you need to make changes to your itinerary. It feels like, sometimes, the airlines will do everything in their power to make it difficult. As if travel itself isn't stressful enough. (Tip: we have found Air Canada and, using Expedia's online teams,…