No time to wait. Winter is here. Get away while you can. And, you can get away. Never forget that there are places on the planet that are in Europe, easy to get to, and actually pretty good value. The Spaniards know how to spend sensibly, and you can partake…
Can over board! Watch your step.
Over the past year or so, there was a series of posts about how AirBNB were offering rooms that ended up having video and audio apparatus embedded inside walls, toilets and more. That was quite a PR mess to clean up. Well, it turns out that AirBNB are not the only suppliers who…
We don’t have paparazzi following you in Sweden. Alexander Skarsgard.
Get up and go!
“Je me sens vraiment entre amis. (I feel that I am truly among friends.)”
As Anthony Bourdain once said: “I’m really good at sleeping on planes. I mean, I smell jet fuel and I’m out; I’m asleep for takeoff.”
Ya can get there from here.
I don’t have much to say about planes, so I’m going to wing it.
Time is on your side, yes it is.
When you travel to hot places, play it cool. Don’t be a fool.
Between a rock . . . and a hard place.
Enter sand ban.
Unplug the devices and just breathe.
Rise and grind. Give thanks. All is well.
Like a flock of sparrows in the afternoon sun, it's so satisfying to see when the sparrows (in this case humans) find a way to fly together. And, as we say until we're blue in the face, one of the best ways to do that is to save the planet in any ways that…
What a tempting and delicious mélange is Europe. Ever-changing, never-changing and full to the rim of things to do, the Motherland will keep you entertained and enthused until you take your last breath, practically. After all of the world wars that this place has endured, it still remains, almost like 27 birds flying…
There are precious few countries that celebrate the simple things in life as much as the Japanese. Joy is almost a mandate, and lucky are those who visit this delightful part of the world. Naturally, most of the focus is on Tokyo, and rightly so, but one of the best things in life…
We don't know about you, but the excitement and buildup to a trip is always enervating and exciting. But then, you get on your plane, fly to your destination, hobble down the stairs and into the terminal and then . . . wherever you go, your holiday is reset by jet lag. …
This one is a no-brainer. Holiday trips are expensive enough as it is, so you may wonder why you would want to add additional costs? That's a good enough question, but there are very good reasons why you may want to rethink your logic. In most cases, traveling overseas goes without a…