Those of us who are fortunate enough to be able to travel sometimes grumble at the hoops that we have to leap through in order to get good deals, or whine about how uncomfortable the seats are, or how miserly the on-board cuisine is. Yes, our lives are tough, indeed, Poor us. …
Special Interest
When you mention the word Iran, it usually strikes a certain response from many people. And, alas, much of that is true. It is a country that has had more than its share of troubles. But, like anywhere, it is also filled with beautiful people, beautiful scenery and beautiful stories. We…
We've all been there. The plane was late. The taxi didn't arrive. The hotel room wasn't quite ready. And, in a matter of hours / minutes we have to get to sleep, or wake up, or run to a meeting. The hotel restaurant isn't open yet, and it's pouring down…
If you're a history lover like we are, you search for "must see" locations, or even those that could be considered off-the-beaten trail. And, there are so many choices, that you will likely run out of breath or out of money before you even consider yourself "informed." This post highlights a beautiful, but haunted…
We here at Matouring love to travel. Trains, planes and automobiles get us where we want to go. And we have been lucky enough to travel to places new and old. (We prefer the latter.) And, if you are fortunate enough to travel, you will probably be able to watch the progression…
If you have no interest in automobiles, skip to our next post. We're being a bit selfish. Spend some time on our site, and you'll periodically see posts about SAAB cars. We love them, and have owned almost a dozen of them - including a classic 900 cabriolet to this day. And…
Another activity for you based in London. It's quite interesting, with lots of history and even Aldus Huxley features here. But, one of the nicest pluses of this activity is that it is free. We're talking about Senate House. Here are the basics: Senate House is the administrative centre of the…
Travel often include flight. You either love it or you hate it - sometimes both at the same time. We generally love it, despite the occasional hiccup. The number of flights performed globally by the airline industry increased steadily since the early 2000s and reached 38.9 million in 2019. However, due to…
This post may seem a bit late when we think about the subject matter. But, we had never imagined that we would still be discussing this to this day. There is not much to say about the aggressions that are continuing in Ukraine, as of this writing. We here at Matouring deplore…
Never ones to not think big, the Saudis have the will and the resources to think beyond. They ask "what if we could start again? THE LINE rethinks everything we know about how people live, work and play. A 170 km-long vertical city, designed around people, rather than cars. A revolution in urban living. A…
It's always a thrill when we hear that a new buried or hidden city or artifact has been found. With our modern technologies, these kinds of finds are occurring more and more regularly. Lucky us! Once such place is Midyat. Midyat is a town in the Mardin Province of Turkey. The…
Nothing succeeds like success. And nothing feels like success when the people get what the people want. And there is nothing even better than when our governments hear, listen and leap to action. And here is a heartening tale of exactly that: when a government delivers (in this case, a train…
Now . . . this post is dumb. Silly. Government regulations gone amok. Who thought of this? What benefit does it bring? What crime is it stopping? How much did it cost to implement, and how much does it cost to keep operating each year? And why -…
Mexico is a well-travelled and much-love destination for world-aware travelers. Above and beyond its gob-smacking food and its inexpensive cost of entry, it also shines because of its lovely inhabitants and all of the rich history that bathes the country. Like most places, it has its own issues to deal with, but that should…
Surely one of the least delightful experiences of travel is when you need to make changes to your itinerary. It feels like, sometimes, the airlines will do everything in their power to make it difficult. As if travel itself isn't stressful enough. (Tip: we have found Air Canada and, using Expedia's online teams,…
We love to feature things that you might not be expecting. There is no shortage of those kinds of things in the wonderful world of ours. But, some of them make you go "wow!" and others make you say "why?" These are the adventures that you'll want to seek out, not only…
For us old folks, who have been around forever, the Star Wars franchise is not only part of our DNA, but also - for most - a treasured part of growing up. Even better, our children and our children's children are also fully immersed in that most wonderful of adventures. So, what could be…
Being travel writers, and even more avid travelers, we read a lot about the travel business: there's a lot to read! But some sources are too good not to miss. One is, written by Gary Leff. One of his main missions is to find the best deals on airline points…
Instagram recently ended its native affiliate marketing program. When the program was first introduced back in June 2021, it was billed as one of many in Meta’s latest lineup of features for content creators. The sudden move to sunset the fledgling opportunity translates to a conflicting change of course for Instagram, whose parent company is…
You may be asking: what is a core update? You can read more about what they are here, but essentially they involve “improving how [Google’s] systems assess content overall.” There are changes made to the way Google Search works every single day, but core updates are bigger and more noticeable to searchers and content creators.…