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Nature & the Environment

Nature & the Environment

Colourful Gunma & Niigata

There are precious few countries that celebrate the simple things in life as much as the Japanese. Joy is almost a mandate, and lucky are those who visit this delightful part of the world. Naturally, most of the focus is on Tokyo, and rightly so, but one of the best things in life…

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Stranded in the jungle?

Hardly! Mexico is a massive and bustling country, but to this day, it still has a "reputation" of being slow to move and not firing on all cylinders. Well, nothing could be further from the truth. We've been there and it is as action-packed, bustling and diverse as any place on the planet.…

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Get away from it all: ghost towns

Some of us live in cities that could probably be classed as a ghost town: Miriam Webster defines it as a "once-flourishing town wholly or nearly deserted usually as a result of the exhaustion of some natural resource." But, just as commonly, the source of its demise is the exhaustion of human resources.…

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Sunny London Bridge?

As much as we love the UK, it does rain a lot. 800 mm to 1,400 mm per year, on average. We guess that this fact should be plainly obvious, especially since the UK is in the North Sea and surrounded by cold, cold water. But one benefit of this arrangement is…

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Three Fingers

Despite us living here in the Pacific Northwest of North America, and having traversed a lot of it, something new appeared to us yesterday about this vast region that was quite interesting. To preface this find, we should probably start out by explaining how much of this part of the earth is covered by…

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Halligen’s Island

Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale a tale of a fateful trip, that started from this tropic port, aboard this tiny ship. Does that ring any bells, Cap'n? If you lived in North America or Canada in the 1960's you'll know that song - the theme from Gilligan's Island. …

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 Not so Faroe way

Have you been to Iceland? We have and it was certainly one-of-a-kind in so many ways and a must-see if you've not been. It feels like a European Nordic country, but also feels somewhat isolated and disconnected to its European mainland cousins. Hard to describe, but certainly unforgettable. If you have been…

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Back to the futuro

We love to look back at the past, although sometimes its painful having seen how little our species has learned over the decades. So, it's a bit of a thrill to be able to rewind to something unique and rather amazing that was born, faded away and then has come sharply into focus once…

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See you in Sibiu 

I always feel that somebody's watching me, especially in Sibiu. Does that ring a bell for you? Probably not, because Sibiu is one of those hidden gems that has still remained hidden. Sibiu, located in the heart of Transylvania, Romania, is a charming city with a rich history, stunning architecture, and a vibrant…

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Massive mining machines

This post is not only interesting and enlightening (let alone unusual for a travel site,) but it's also fun. When did you ever think that Massive Mining Machines could be fun? In most applications, it would be considered to be as dry as a bone. But, happily, that will not happen here,…

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Malta, not Gibralta’

We recently happened upon a fascinating video featuring the calming and kind Bettany Hughes where she takes viewers into locations - many subterranean - in this most interesting country. Its history is beyond impressive, especially with so many countries taking control at one time or another. In fact, Malta has a history dating…

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