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Nature & the Environment

Nature & the Environment

Minimalist life traveling 

Going on holiday is, for the most part, meant to be relaxing, giving yourself the time to stop, slow down and literally bask in the moment. This is not to say that it won't be filled with thrills (or even a snafu here or there,) because that always seems to happen, no matter…

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Raja Ampat. Do you know where it’s at?

Pardon our poor English for the post's title: we couldn't resist. But, the question still stands: do you know? We won't be surprised if you don't. Raja Ampat doesn't get much press, really. So, let's start at the beginning. Raja Ampat is in Papua in Indonesia. The name given to these islands…

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Pillow fight at  30,000 feet

Now, here's something to get excited about. If you have the means ($$$) and the time, then Air New Zealand are your new best friends. They're introducing a new service where Boeing 787s are being refitted to include bunk beds. By 2024, passengers will be able to book four-hour sessions in flat sleeping…

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As of 2021, there were 7.888 billion human beings on the planet. Keeping with the recent statics, similarly, there are 195 countries in the world today. This total comprises 193 countries that are member states of the United Nations and 2 countries that are non-member observer states: the Holy See and the State of Palestine. In short, the numbers are…

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The KL is calling you

Can you guess what "The KL" is? No, not some here-today gone-tomorrow hip-hop band. And not some hopeful moniker for a forlorn small town in Kansas. It's the playful (and much easier to pronounce) nickname that the residents of Kuala Lumpur use to refer to their lovely and largely unsung country. For…

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