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Manilla Villa

It's been a while, but we're back with another episode of Never Too Small, the fab and clever YouTube channel that highlights how smart humans can be when confronted with predicaments: in this case, small living quarters. We have several episodes on our site, and they always impress us with their ingenuity, creativity…

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Light rail in Seattle: a sounder solution

Like a flock of sparrows in the afternoon sun, it's so satisfying to see when the sparrows (in this case humans) find a way to fly together. And, as we say until we're blue in the face, one of the best ways to do that is to save the planet in any ways that…

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Dirty cruise ships

Don't mistake the title of this post to infer "naughty cruise ships" or "filthy cruise ships", or "saucy cruise ships" although we're sure that there are those types floating about, as it were. You can imagine / infer what those titles mean (in your spare time.) But, if we step out of the…

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Why You Should Only Travel With Carry-On Hand Luggage

We travel a lot, and much of it can be really frustrating, especially when some of the rules and regulations seem like a test (suitcase sizes, for example) and if you have to take two airlines, their suitcase sizes are, of course different, which then forces you to buy yet another suitcase - likely one…

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Two miles per minute

By any measurement, two miles a minute is fast, and you're probably expecting this to be some kind of experimental speed measurement. Or maybe it's the latest idea from Elon Musk, a rocket tunnel under the sands of Nevada. Or could it be some other as-yet unknown vehicle where you need to wear…

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