I’m sure we all can agree that the cost of being a human on planet earth is just shooting through the roof. There could be any reasons for that, but part of the problem is that it has become a problem for so many. Even those who were safely homed a year ago may have completely different circumstances now, and they’ve had to think fast on their feet in order to make ends meet and survive. For example, the inflation rate in the USA has wavered at between 8 and 9 % in the past several months, highlighting a rising cost of goods that permeates the country. Pity other countries, such as Afghanistan, who saw the costs of basic staples go up 50%. What is a person to do in situations like this?

Well, some people are able to take the bull by the horns and make a new life, and we have some examples of how they do it, and why it might be a good idea for more of us. First, we meet the Salvage Rebuilds UK team who maintains camper vans, but also resells them. What you’ll see in the video below is how to find and assess a camper van, and then how to systematically determine if it’s a good deal. But what you get out of this is good idea whether this mode of living is for you. The gents from Salvage Rebuilds UK take you around a typical “previously enjoyed” campervan and then, during the walkaround, will show you what to watch out for, or whether to walk away. PS: it’s a good idea to switch on your YouYube closed captions to get the full story. Given that most campervan only see the light of day in the summers, you can pick up a clean one for “a laugh” as they say in the UK. And, another plus is that you can drive it over the channel and spend loads of inexpensive time in Europe and beyond. Click above to Watch Salvage Rebuilds UK’ dynamic duo, Rob and Chris as they walk you around the process.
Well, in some countries, citizens are fighting back and coming up with creative, less expensive, sustainable ways of taking it to the street. Using options by forgoing pricy (and usually small) apartments and flats and, instead, taking their lives on the road – literally, they’re taking back their lives – and their money. You know it makes sense for some, as you’ll see in the videos, below.
Now, the second video is courtesy of a genial chap, The Urban Motorhome. His story: Who Am I? I’m Darran. I’m 36, originally from Essex, UK and I’ve been living full time in my Motorhome since April 2017. As the name suggests I park urban 99% of the time, parking in streets, industrial estates, car parks etc. And as he continues on in the video, he walks you through of his costs, the ups and downs of living in a campervan which will perhaps make you take a step back, and rethink things for yourself, too. All it takes is a bit of cash, some elbow grease (and assistance from experts to bring your camper back to life. One good The good thing is that they never use salt on the roads in the UK, so rust will be incidental and minimal. The main things to look for are how well the vehicle itself has been maintained by the previous users. This is covered in the video. Darran’s walkthrough is a great way to see where the money goes and how to save it.

Want to try it out for a month or two? AutoEurope have got campers galore. Click here to book yours.