And now for something completely different again. We always look for the unusual. So, if you combine that goal with our sense of humour and adventure, may we present an accommodation that we think ticks all of the boxes: the WigWam motel.
Biltmore? How can this be even built more?? There are the rich, and then there are the rich. Some people just have a knack. George Washington Vanderbilt II was one of them. Vanderbilt was an art collector and member of the prominent Vanderbilt family, which amassed a huge fortune through steamboats, railroads,…
Germany is certainly at the front of European power, drive and energy. An economic and social powerhouse itself, it stands as one of Europe's shining stars when it comes to making things happen. And this dynamo of a country is looking for smart, energetic workers. Germany is doubling down on plans to attract skilled workers from…
We're going to keep this one simple. Here's a post about Rome, specifically around the Trevi Fountain. You know the place - you've likely been once or twice - and you're sure to agree that it is one of that magical city's most memorable and romantic locations. You'll also know that it…
Being the sharing, inclusive and fun site that we fashion ourselves to be, we always look for new and interesting locales for our readers to research and explore. It's a big planet, we only have so much time on it and so, we should use our time wisely. That's why we hand-select places…
..... is now the New Mexico. If you read many travel magazines, you'll often see "throwback" articles that (if you're old enough) remind you of resorts, hotels, restaurants and activities from the bygone era - usually the 1950's and 1960's. For those of us who were around back then, we may have been lucky…
Looking for your next travel destination? Are you a music fan? Do you like to mix the two, maybe with a little ganja and history? Well, we have the perfect combination for you. You've probably guessed it - it's Jamaica. You know it - the Caribbean island nation, that has a…
Regular reader here will know how much we love architecture. Be it Roman ruins or the next 70 story superstructure in Shanghai, buildings are one of the most visible and lasting records of what humans are capable of when we stop fighting and start cooperating. The best thing about architecture is that, when…
Most of us will be lucky to stay just one night in Davos, so 50 nights is a faraway dream. But, as they say, dreaming is free. The spectacular Alpengold hotel in Davos, Switzerland has so many awe-inspiring aspects about it, it's worth highlighting here, even if we never are able to…
We won't spend too much time discussing the dimensions of our beloved planet Earth. That's something that we all should have learned when we were supposedly learning things in school. It's big, to say the least. (OK, we guessed that you would want to know: Earth's circumference is the distance around…
If you're not from Asia, you'll often find that it's a most fascinating and unpredictable part of the planet. We love that. Why see the same old same old when you can be a part of something that may be once in a lifetime. And, after running this website for a number…
…. just for one day. If you're of a certain age (like us) and of a certain leaning, you'll no likely see January 10, 2016 as a very sad day. That was the day that David Bowie left us. In his own way, he knew the day was coming and planned it all meticulously. Even…
If you're a rational person and are aware of the way the world (especially the Internet) works, the video below's title probably sounds like clickbait, but the as you further watch the video below, it actually describes a technology that we use even now - smelting. It may not sound interesting, but these…
What once was old, is new. And new often gets old, even before it gets old. Get it? The long and short of this, is that something never get old, and one of those is MCM. What is MCM, you may ask? It stands for Mid-Century Modern. Mid-century modern…
Many of us still work, even though we're reaching that age of not having to. (We're retired, but we run this website because it's fun, it keeps us on our toes, and periodically a few dollars come in here and there to keep our chins up.) But, we don't need to say this…
We're noticing that more and more people are noticing that Canada is a rather nice place to travel. Over 32 million people travel to the Great White North each year, and over 1 million Canadians call travel their line of work. It's a nice place to visit, as it is so diverse, especially…
Brace yourself: this will likely be a touchy subject for some. Right up front, we'll state that this post is about Iran. As of this writing, Iran is politically boiling and is, in many places, generally not a good place to be, especially if you're a tourist. As is what is happening…
As we often point out here, there are so many places in the world that are perennially bubbling under. You've heard the name, but you don't quite know the "brand", as it were. We here at Matouring love to bring these hidden gem to the surface, so that you, our plugged-in readers never…
...comes from some other beginning’s end. * Yes, another post about Rome, the Romans and Italy. We won't apologise about that. You could start at the very top of Italy, and work your way all the way down to Mezzogiorno (see - bet you've never heard of that) and would still have…