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Faded Glory

Faded Glory

Faded Glory

Hee haw y’all! Abandoned NASCAR Track!

OK, all of you Billy Joe and Bobby Sue wannabes, if you're looking for the authentic Dukes of Hazzard vibes, then get ready; we have the place for you. Morph into Bo, Luke Duke and Daisy Duke at a real, if somewhat reduced service offering at the Occoneechee Nascar track in Raleigh–Durham, in North Carolina,…

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einstürzende alte Gebäude*

(*Collapsing old buildings.) Or, when will they ever learn? Yet another post in our series of watching history disappear, like it or not. In this case, it's an example of the US government's intent to raze two important buildings in Chicago, Illinois. These historic Chicago skyscrapers should stay, as they acted as the…

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Come here, my dear. Do not fear The Sphere.

We've been to Las Vegas many times and, despite our Puritan feelings of guilt, we never fail to have a good time there. Sure, it's insane (using that word in its correct context) and OTT (over the top,) and the powers that be there always have a knack to conjure up something new that…

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Hey presto! You’re now in Assisi

Behold another installment of our "Hey Presto!" series of posts. This is where you can sit back, pour your desired beverage and vicariously live the lives of everyday people going about their days, doing everyday activities. These "Hey Presto!" posts make it easy for you to tour the world from the comfort of…

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A stroll through Ulaanbaatar

Those of you who know where Ulaanbaatar is, raise your hands and congratulations on being a world-aware citizen. For those who don't know, Ulaanbaatar is in Mongolia. When the name Mongolia comes up, what do you think Mongolia might be like? If you picture yaks and onagers, you're partially right. Do…

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What’s Poppin’?

It's rather amazing when you go from one place to another - in the same country - and then haven't a clue about what they're saying. There's regional slang, of course, which almost no-one can understand. For example, Yinz, from Pittsburgh, USA. Whaaa? That means you all (not to be mistaken with…

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