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Soviet sanatorium holidays

In this place in time, today - January of 2024 - the idea of having holidays in Russia may not seem appealing or even plausible to many. Moscow and Washington are rattling their sabers again, and the weight of that activity is throwing the world off balance yet again. But it wasn't always…

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 ‘L Elevated’ Train on the Loop

It's funny how some people see things differently than others, especially when those people come from a new city or country. Their perspective is often fresh and surprising to "the locals." So, when you get a glance at what you see before you, it's like a brand new day. Your tired view…

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It’s the Manbow Tunnel. Duck!

Here's another one of those posts where you get to experience places that you may never see, but should. But this one is very particular, because it focuses on a particular place (in this case, Japan) in a particular city (Nishinomiya) and, amongst other joys, it hosts a delightful little (or should we say…

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Colourful Gunma & Niigata

There are precious few countries that celebrate the simple things in life as much as the Japanese. Joy is almost a mandate, and lucky are those who visit this delightful part of the world. Naturally, most of the focus is on Tokyo, and rightly so, but one of the best things in life…

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Stranded in the jungle?

Hardly! Mexico is a massive and bustling country, but to this day, it still has a "reputation" of being slow to move and not firing on all cylinders. Well, nothing could be further from the truth. We've been there and it is as action-packed, bustling and diverse as any place on the planet.…

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Sunny London Bridge?

As much as we love the UK, it does rain a lot. 800 mm to 1,400 mm per year, on average. We guess that this fact should be plainly obvious, especially since the UK is in the North Sea and surrounded by cold, cold water. But one benefit of this arrangement is…

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Three Fingers

Despite us living here in the Pacific Northwest of North America, and having traversed a lot of it, something new appeared to us yesterday about this vast region that was quite interesting. To preface this find, we should probably start out by explaining how much of this part of the earth is covered by…

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Halligen’s Island

Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale a tale of a fateful trip, that started from this tropic port, aboard this tiny ship. Does that ring any bells, Cap'n? If you lived in North America or Canada in the 1960's you'll know that song - the theme from Gilligan's Island. …

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It’s not an illusion….

.....  it's an Ilyushin IL-96-300 from Madrid, touching down in Havana, Cuba. And the blogger here is rather pleased. It's less about the flight and more about the aircraft, the Ilyushin il-96-300. In some countries, the idea of Russian planes and the country of Cuba get sabers rattling and spittle splattering in all directions.…

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Two miles per minute

By any measurement, two miles a minute is fast, and you're probably expecting this to be some kind of experimental speed measurement. Or maybe it's the latest idea from Elon Musk, a rocket tunnel under the sands of Nevada. Or could it be some other as-yet unknown vehicle where you need to wear…

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