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Search: canada

Your Place in the Sun

Pity the poor British people who, while having a lovely, historic and diverse place to live, also have the agonizing problem of deciding which sunny location they should turn to in order to rent or purchase a sunny spot to escape the grey and unpleasant weather that is a major part of their everyday lives.…

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How high can you fly?

The ever humorous Douglas Adams always knew how to turn a phrase. He wrote The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy that sold more than 15 million copies in his lifetime. Given the nature of that book, we're sure he would laugh with us at the irony of it all. As he quoted, “I…

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Cheers, Sears!

Thanks for the memories. Although this post is devoted to a well-known and beloved chain of US stores, Sears & Roebuck, the brand was - and still is - remembered almost everywhere. If you needed to buy something, Sears was almost always the first stop: they would inevitably have it. In its…

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China shines again

As we like to do, let's put politics to the side for now and bask in sheer genius, instead. And, not surprisingly, we are featuring China again. The width and depth of their resources, combined with the remarkable can-do attitude and creativity still continues into this millennia. How many countries can boast…

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Pearls are always appropriate*

* “Pearls are always appropriate.” So said Jackie Kennedy, and she should know. And as we happened upon this groovy 1960's throwback hotel in San Diego, California, we knew immediately that we should feature it. It's the kind of kitsch, swingin,' happenin' groovy pad that seems to have disappeared from the planet. …

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Soviet sanatorium holidays

In this place in time, today - January of 2024 - the idea of having holidays in Russia may not seem appealing or even plausible to many. Moscow and Washington are rattling their sabers again, and the weight of that activity is throwing the world off balance yet again. But it wasn't always…

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