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Air / space

Sometimes, traveling on aircraft for long periods of time makes you give up hope.  Aircraft can be so uncomfortable, and the seats unforgiving. Those in business or first-class often never encounter the same aches and pains of us hoi poloi,  but the struggle is real. Now, Airbus comes to the rescue with their new Airspace interior designs,…

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Border hopping

The modern-day relationship between Canada and the United States has always been a good one.  Nearly always peaceful, the two countries share many similarities:  language, laws, trade and more. Cross-border travel is another.  The width of Canada and the USA are immense, 7069 kilometres from the west to the east, to be exact.  Getting around can…

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Elon Musk is loopy

Well, that Elon Musk is always doing something.  Whether it's the reading the entire Encyclopaedia Britannica at nine years old, selling his first company for $307 million, founding PayPal and creating Tesla automobiles and starting SpaceX to send humanity to infinity and beyond. One of his passions is transportation, and his Hyperloop system is well…

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European self-sufficiency

Europe is often looked upon as a model of efficiency.  With nearly 750 million people living in a relatively tight space, they need to be.  But, Europe has also been the mother of invention there.  Spain created the spacesuit.  Iceland created the power transformer.  Ireland created the submarine . . .  and more. One modern…

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Sydney to London in 4 hours, 35 minutes, 5 seconds

Meet The New Concorde - Virgin Galactic Mach 3.0 Supersonic Jet. Richard Branson is always pushing the envelope and, in this case, that means literally.  He has already embarked on his edge of space efforts, his land-based Hyperloop  and his resorts and cruises are legend.  But, now he is heading into the next frontier with…

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Hey, groovy cats. Dig this!

This is worth taking a special trip, especially if you love retro mid-century-modern design like we do.   MCR and MORSE Development have reignited the magic of Eero Saarinen’s landmark 1962 TWA Flight Center at JFK Airport, restoring and reimagining it as a first-class hotel. At the center of the hotel is Eero Saarinen’s iconic TWA Flight Center, where restaurants, bars and…

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EasyJet just got easier

A few months back, we published an article about some of Europe's low-cost airlines, such as EasyJet and Ryanair.  They offer some super deals to jet your way across the continent and are worth checking out. It was somewhat cumbersome to book them if you were outside of the EU.  But, now it's easy peasy…

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It’s been heaven, 747

As insanely expensive as they are, eventually commercial airliners are put out to pasture, even after they have spent time in a number of different airlines. Boeing's 747 was certainly one of the most glamourous and desirable planes to fly on, for the past several decades.  But, alas, the old girl's time is coming to…

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Go back, in time

When you think about it - especially if you travel often - it feels like the process of boarding an airplane is rarely seamless and rarely enjoyable.  To be fair, it is a complex process when you consider the logistics that the airlines need to factor in.  And, of course, there is always the "performance…

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Quick, come SE

Now, this is something! A new concept widebody aircraft has been unveiled by an Alabama startup. SE Aeronautics (the SE standing for Super Efficient) have reworked the entire concept of an airliner, and revealed an innovative tri-wing aircraft that they say will have an 80% lower carbon footprint than similar traditional planes.  This Super-Efficient subsonic…

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Visa vice versa

What is the difference between a passport and a visa? While passports have been around since ancient times, visas granting authorization to travel emerged as important documents little more than a century ago. While your passport is your legal document to prove who you are, the visa is your ticket to enter a country as…

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Radio Garden

Here's a great idea - world radio through your browser.  Radio Garden invites you to tune into thousands of live radio stations across the globe. The site's interface is delightfully simple.  Zoom in or out to an area on the globe and click on a green dot.  Hey presto, the radio station will start to play,…

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They go the extra mile

Digital platforms provide a variety of technology-enabled tools that enhance market transparency, such as real-time monitoring, ratings of buyers and sellers, and low-cost complaint channels. How do these innovations affect moral hazard and service quality? We investigate this problem by comparing driver routing choices and efficiency on a large digital platform, Uber, with traditional taxis.…

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Road scholar

Traveling by car and staying in hotels and bed & breakfasts is a great way to go, but when you really want to get to know a place, renting a motorhome in Europe is tough to beat. These days, lots of travelers are foregoing staying in hotels for vacationing by motorhome, and there are plenty…

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Viva Lost Vegas

The term "Mole People" conjures up a lot of urban legend style ideas — but it shouldn’t! Underneath the brightly lit Las Vegas Strip, there’s a not so secret society that’s existed for decades. And according to journalist Matthew O’Brien, who researched the area for 12 years, the tunnels “can be quiet and almost boring…

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A GEM among them

Unless you've had your head in the sand, you will most certainly know about the immense and exciting GEM museum in Cairo. GEM stands for Grand Egyptian Museum and it will be a stunning building even separate of its incredible jewels, artefacts and mummies. When it is completed, the Grand Egyptian Museum just outside of…

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