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What (where and who) is St. Julian’s?

Malta is the answer. And it's a place that many often forget about, which is a huge shame. If you're not in the know, Malta itself is a beautiful Mediterranean island nation with a rich history, stunning landscapes, and a unique culture that makes it a compelling destination for travelers. And it's easy…

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In tune in Thun

Thun, Switzerland. Many, many, many years ago, your editor was a part-time software consultant, and a part-time musician. As one benefit of the latter career, I was fortunate enough to tour Europe, making music over a number of separate tours. Even though I had been to the UK many, many times, the music…

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Pacman Do . . .

. . . it's really really where I'm going to. If you're a gamer, then do we have the holiday for you, and this is a win-win situation, for sure. Firstly, it's based in and centered around Brussels, Belgium, where the history looms large, the beer cannot be beaten, nor can the food.…

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Let’s go back in time: 1950’s California

Thanks to the Electric Interwebs, we modern species of humans are able to go back in time to either remember, or to learn anew. Not surprisingly, one of the most memorable places on earth is Los Angeles, and it has been for decades. As busy and as thriving as it is, we discovered…

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Ahh . . history. Tell us another tale.

When it comes to history, some people would rather crawl under a rock than sit and watch historians argue about who is right and who is wrong. Of course, there is usually an answer that the boffins land on eventually, otherwise we all would still be living in caves. We love history, so…

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Saving Canada’s oldest Chinese temple

Vancouver, Canada is where we live. It is a relatively new city, even though it is still about 137 years old. Founded in 1886, and like any city, it has a chequered past, as one group of people after another passes through the fledgling community over the decades. Some came to dismantle the forests…

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