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How high can you fly?

The ever humorous Douglas Adams always knew how to turn a phrase. He wrote The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy that sold more than 15 million copies in his lifetime. Given the nature of that book, we're sure he would laugh with us at the irony of it all. As he quoted, “I…

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Cheers, Sears!

Thanks for the memories. Although this post is devoted to a well-known and beloved chain of US stores, Sears & Roebuck, the brand was - and still is - remembered almost everywhere. If you needed to buy something, Sears was almost always the first stop: they would inevitably have it. In its…

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A mash made in heaven: potato hotel

Who doesn't love potatoes? They're a staple everywhere. They're good for you, plentiful and come in any number of styles and varieties. We love 'em. The National Potato Council (USA) tracks this and while it lags behind a year or two, you can easily follow the per capita potato consumption (currently at 117 pounds…

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We know this much is Trôo 

Listening to Marvin, all night long and living in French caves was all the rage in 1964. And if that doesn't make you want to be a cave dweller - even if you think that you know France - then what about this? Trôo is a charming village located in the Loire Valley region…

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 ‘L Elevated’ Train on the Loop

It's funny how some people see things differently than others, especially when those people come from a new city or country. Their perspective is often fresh and surprising to "the locals." So, when you get a glance at what you see before you, it's like a brand new day. Your tired view…

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Dirty cruise ships

Don't mistake the title of this post to infer "naughty cruise ships" or "filthy cruise ships", or "saucy cruise ships" although we're sure that there are those types floating about, as it were. You can imagine / infer what those titles mean (in your spare time.) But, if we step out of the…

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Fly through history, друг

As is our wont, we present yet another post focused on history and travel. But this one takes several different slants, and ones that we hope you'll investigate. Specifically, here we feature live history that you can not only read about (and watch the video,) but this is history where you can…

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It’s the Manbow Tunnel. Duck!

Here's another one of those posts where you get to experience places that you may never see, but should. But this one is very particular, because it focuses on a particular place (in this case, Japan) in a particular city (Nishinomiya) and, amongst other joys, it hosts a delightful little (or should we say…

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Get away from it all: ghost towns

Some of us live in cities that could probably be classed as a ghost town: Miriam Webster defines it as a "once-flourishing town wholly or nearly deserted usually as a result of the exhaustion of some natural resource." But, just as commonly, the source of its demise is the exhaustion of human resources.…

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The Water town of China

Apologies in advance for the mini-sermon here, but it always breaks our hearts when we see people unable to live their lives to the fullest due to geopolitical nonsense, as we are seeing now (this is December 2023.) Like a broken record, the same blindness and self-aggrandizement by a "select few" around the globe…

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