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Now you see them, now you don’t.

Here’s a post about automobiles. Either you tolerate them, salivate for them, or you could care less. They are the stuff of dreams, but also the stuff of nightmares, especially with what cars contribute to global warming. And too many of us humans don’t seem to remember or care that cars run on gasoline or diesel, which are derived from fossil fuels. And when these fuels are burned in the engine, they release CO2 and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.

Even more interesting are the facts that the manufacturing process of cars involves energy-intensive processes that emit greenhouse gases – more than you might think. Additionally, when cars are finally disposed of, they, in turn, can release pollutants and greenhouse gases if not properly recycled. As of January 2022, there were over 1 billion cars on the roads worldwide. Do the maths. And, one thing we never seem to really take into account is about is what happens when our family banger or monster truck finally gives up its last breath? It’s time to change. Not for a new vehicle, but for a new way of getting around.

But, that doesn’t mean that cars need to disappear completely. There are auto museums for you to enjoy, and the air there is free. One of which is the Lane Motor Museum. One man’s passion has saved some of the most illusive and rare cars all in one place. The owner is an encyclopedia about cars, and he’s kind of nutty, too, which makes this adventure even better. And, of course, you can visit. Click here for that.

Located in Nashville, Tennessee, USA this sprawling and features a collection of mostly European automobiles. The museum is a non-profit 501 organization, founded by Jeff and Susan Lane, and would be forever pleased if you’d visit.

It’s the USA. You’ll need a car. Sixt have got the selection for you. Click here.

Get around in style, safely and on-time. Roadtrippers have maps, things to do and more. Click here. have rooms, of course. But they also have flights, activities and more. Click here.

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