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Design and Art

Design and Art

Ouigo Train Classique

We love history. We love trains. We love France. We love you! What a combination, bien sur. OUIGO has been preparing a nice surprise for you for several months now: trains on the classic line, with great prices. SNCF Voyageurs launched its first Ouigo Train Classique low-cost passenger services…

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Time stands still, but still…

People often gasp when they visit British Columbia (BC).  Visit places like Vancouver, and you will see a shiny new metropolis bursting with energy, diversity, world-awareness and history.  This article is about some of the history. Fishermen still ply the seas.  The amount of timber in BC is sometimes hard to fathom - it just goes on…

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When normal just won’t do

There are thousands of hotels around the world who will give you what you want. But what if you don't know what you want, or want something completely different? We have a suggestion. Offering rooms and suites set in large caves, Le Grotte della Civita is located in the Matera's Sassi area, a…

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Where you can embroider sarcastic opinions

You may recall that some time back, we created a post on Tollund Man. In 1950, the Tollund man was found in a peat bog west of Silkeborg. The interesting thing about Tollund man is that he was preserved in peat and was in incredibly good condition when found. He was also accompanied by…

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Art is everywhere

As you travel, you're almost always surprised and delighted when, in the least likely of places, a house or an office or some form of public works stuns you with its beauty or originality. In today's world of cookie-cutter homes and offices, we're thankful when an art lover with money collides with designers who…

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Sleep with the fishes

When you mention "sleeping with the fishes," back in the days of Al Capone, Bonnie and Clyde and George "Baby Face" Nelson, you might be able to get what we mean. Not something that you would aspire to. No, it means something entirely different from our intentions here. When we say sleep…

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Machu who?

Certainly one of the most memorable and identifable places in the world, Peru's Machu Picchu doesn't need much introduction.  But for those who are unaware or need a refresher, Machu Picchu is the site of an ancient Inca city, high in the Andes of Peru. Located at 2,430m (8,000 ft), this UNESCO World Heritage site is often referred to…

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The greens of Tatouine

There were some funny conversations recently in the smart and enjoyable Facebook group "I'm Architecture Shaming."  A rather spectacular golf course clubhouse  was being applauded, but also likened to a Hutt Lord's palace on Tatooine.  But it was designed on Earth by a well-known architect -  Frank Lloyd Wright. They're discussing the King Kamehameha Golf…

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The treats of San Francisco

Every notable city has its standard "halo" locations:  those places that, for better or worse, define the city it most peoples' eyes and minds.  Paris has the Eiffel Tower, London has Big Ben, Peru has Machu Pichu and, here, the USA has San Francisco and it's Transamerica edifice.  Like it or not, they're the eye-catchers,…

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The eighth wonder of the world

Turkey stands at the crossroads of Asia and Europe, and has so for millenia.  Its importance cannot be understated, especially when you consider all that it has brought to the world. If you've been, you'll know that one of the most unforgettable experiences there is the Bosphorus.  Huge, bustling, vibrant and stunning, it has also had…

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Dandy is handy

Whenever you visit Paris, you want to stuff as much activity as you can into each moment.  And, of course, there are probably just too many things to do in Paris that you might find yourself getting distracted -  I know I do. But, here's a place that will make your life a little easier: …

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Plan a Savannah (holiday)

The United States is a vast chunk of land, with all types of terrain, climates and adventures.  Many of you may have already visited -  or may even reside there. (We did, a long time ago.)  Calling it diverse would be an understatement. Most travelers tend to focus on New York, or Los Angeles, San…

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