Either you love San Francisco or you are wrong.
Alternative Lifestyle
Years ago, when your editor was a wee sprog, I discovered progressive rock music. One of the leading promoters of that genre was Richard Branson's Virgin records. Those of you of a certain age will certainly remember Tubular Bells: Sir Richard brought that most amazing event / LP to the public. …
This could be another one of those "been there, done that" stories, where frenzied travelers (or travel bloggers) flee at full speed just to meet their self-imposed deadlines. But, seriously, that's not what travel should be about. You likely flew for ten or more hours to get there, so why rush it? …
Off to the beach; I will be out of reach. Let’s Goa!
Tokyo Cyberpunk City. Neon. Coffee. Noise. Lights. Food. Yeah!
We have a real find here for you in this place. Once you stay, you'll never want to go back to an everyday hotel again. The Dive Bar, Motel & Swim Club in Nashville, Tennessee. You may be too young to remember places like this. Or, perhaps you're too old to remember.…
Some billionaires are solely focused on themselves. We won't necessarily point any fingers, but you'll know who they are. Lately they're getting back press for the way that they treat themselves, sometimes appearing almost like a clown or buffoon. It's truly a shame that they don't look at the bigger picture and…
The USA gets lots of press, pretty much every day. Some good, some bad. And sometimes the actions of the US Government taint US citizens, whether they agree or not. That happens with many countries, of course, but the US's fingers are long, deep and pervasive, as well as persuasive. But, of…
We've been to Las Vegas many times and, despite our Puritan feelings of guilt, we never fail to have a good time there. Sure, it's insane (using that word in its correct context) and OTT (over the top,) and the powers that be there always have a knack to conjure up something new that…
America sure loves to use "scary / threatening" monikers when it comes to naming places, sometimes. Scarville, Iowa. Hell, Michigan (we've been there.) Bitter End, Tennessee. Hurt, Virginia. Tombstone, Arizona. Bad Axe, Michigan. Dead Women Crossing, Oklahoma. (there are some funny ones, too. Bacon Level, Alabama. Booger…
You can always trust the Nordic people to think about ways to save the planet. They've been doing it for decades. They are surrounded by nature and, as such, they take care of their "home." Environmental consciousness is deeply ingrained in Nordic culture. These countries have a long history of valuing and respecting…
If you haven't already noticed, we're kinda geeks / dorks here when it comes to certain things. One of which is rail. Why pollute the environment at 65mph when you can hurtle down the tracks at twice that speed - comfortably in a reclining seat, we might add - and where you can…
We're back on a subject here again that we have featured in the past, sustainable living. The question at hand is whether we really need the 12,000 sqft home for two empty nesters, or whether there is a better, simpler way to enjoy our retirement, and also reap the benefits of places new. …
In principle, as humans, we're permitted to do what we please, unless it effects others negatively. That's the theory, anyway. As the oceans of human emotion ebb and tide, these rights of ours do the same. We've been alive for a long time and have lived through most of it. There…
Let’s get normal.
The next time you find yourself in big European cities, stop for a moment, look around and then notice how few skyscrapers there are, even in the biggest of cities. You may simply take it for granted that they would be there, because that's what big cities do, isn't it? It's a matter…
We live not too far away from Seattle, so we're pretty lucky in that sense. It's a city that makes you go "ahhh" when you get there. Hip, inclusive, bohemian and edgy all at once, it's a great way to discover this part (Pacific Northwest) of North America. And some of the…
Amsterdam is many things, but the one that stays most in people's minds is the Red Light District. It's always been a peculiar thing, as many people are intrigued, and just as many are repulsed. It certainly is a litmus test for your values. But, at the end of the day, it's…
The world is littered with sad mistakes, often based on the misplaced values of its leaders. Serbia can be considered one of those places. But, anyone in the know knows how much the the country and its main city, Belgrade has grown and bloomed and boomed into one of the places to be.…
Some of us never really grow up. And why should we? That is just a prelude to growing older. So, we laud those who continue to chase their dreams, no matter where they might go. And here we have an extreme of a man, now 89 years old, who still follows that…