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Search: rail

Mexico’s Baja Norte Nuevo

Mexico is often up and down in the parade of travel destinations. One "off" story in the news can derail the country's reputation and, therefore, it's fortunes. There are any number of reasons why this happens, and many of the reasons are political and not always in Mexico's hands, and not in its…

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Minimalist life traveling 

Going on holiday is, for the most part, meant to be relaxing, giving yourself the time to stop, slow down and literally bask in the moment. This is not to say that it won't be filled with thrills (or even a snafu here or there,) because that always seems to happen, no matter…

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The KL is calling you

Can you guess what "The KL" is? No, not some here-today gone-tomorrow hip-hop band. And not some hopeful moniker for a forlorn small town in Kansas. It's the playful (and much easier to pronounce) nickname that the residents of Kuala Lumpur use to refer to their lovely and largely unsung country. For…

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