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Special Interest

Special Interest


Nature provides, if we respect her.  And respect is something that seems to be in short supply nowadays.  Automobiles still (mostly) run on 1900's technology, we still pump fuel out of the ground, which has untold repercussions. The worst thing is that we know better and have the technologies, and yet, we as humans, are…

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Are we there yet?

Either by design, or by bad planning, or if you're simply a glutton for punishment, here is something to dread, or spend months preparing for. What are the world’s longest non-stop routes between July and December this year (2021)? The aviation world has changed greatly and we wanted to offer an updated list of these…

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Take a “trip” to Hong Hong

No, this is not about drugs.  But it is about sensory experiences that you can enjoy no matter your mood. The Hong Kong Tourism Board (HKTB) is featuring a collection of four autonomous sensory meridian response (ASMR) videos that show off the acoustic ambience from the all parts of the city. Custom-made to arouse the…

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When football is all

We suspect that there are some football fans in our audience:  in this instance we are talking about the football played around the world - you know, the round ball, black and white. Some football fans are beyond passionate:  they get tattoos of their team, name their children after star players, relocate to cities where…

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The centre of the earth

India is a wonderful place full of wonderful people and lots of surprises.  Here's one. Jatayu Earth Center, also known as Jatayu Nature Park or Jatayu Rock, is a park and tourism centre at Chadayamangalam in Kollam district of Kerala. It stands at an altitude of 350m above the mean sea level. Jatayu Nature Park…

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But, will we have enough extension cords?

Mother earth is heating up - dangerously - but so is the race to enable humans and animals to live in a world that will not burn to a crisp, like it seems now.  We have the brains and the technology, but our will needs a kick in the pants. Fortunately, more and more evidence…

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Too little, too late?

Europeans - and we include the UK here - generally tend to be ahead of the curve when it comes to things like healthcare, social security, immigration  . . . and the environment. The UK has published its Transport Decarbonisation Plan.  The intent to decarbonise all modes of domestic transport by 2050. Is that too…

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You’re a space cadet

This sounds like fun, but, most importantly, has a very good intent at its heart. You can win two seats on one of the first Virgin Galactic flights to space.  Sir Richard Branson is putting his money and his spaceship where his mouth is. Here's what's you can look forward to: Make history as you…

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Tash Rabat. How about that?

Do you sometimes feel like you want to go away and stay away? Well, you'll be glad to know that, as always, we here at Matouring have solutions for you.  Near or far, we have solutions at our fingertips and are eager to share them with you. May we present  the Tash Rabat Caravanserai in…

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How low can low go?

If you've spent any time reading about The Netherlands, you'll know that the geniuses there have done amazing things in order for the country to keep its head above water. And that hasn't been completely recent activity:  they've been at it for centuries, and they've learned a lot in the process. The video below goes…

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The campings

Europeans love to camp.  There are literally thousands of them dotted around the continent.  Not only are they plentiful, they are usually in beautiful, if not stunning, locations and are a very cost effective way to holiday. You can enjoy all of the traditional ways of camping, including tents and resorts, but hiring a fuel-efficient…

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If you’re goin’ to San Francisco… sure to visit SFO.  The airport itself is a wonderland, especially since the team there have lovingly and carefully  been saving artefacts, toys and more.   And you can see them.  There are dozens of exhibitions happening at SFO. The San Francisco Airport Commission Aviation Library and Louis A. Turpen Aviation Museum provides unique opportunities…

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I’m Antman and I will be your server tonight

Disney Cruise Line is upping the “ant-e” on immersive family dining with the debut of “Avengers: Quantum Encounter” at Worlds of Marvel restaurant aboard the Disney Wish. Premiering in summer 2022, this all-new cinematic dining adventure will assemble some of Earth’s mightiest and tiniest— Super Heroes in a larger-than-life showcase of revolutionary quantum technology and…

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Not for beginners

If you have trouble standing on a chair to clean the curtains, then look away now. There is a "stairway to heaven" made of steel cables and it is the highlight of a climbing tour of the Donnerkogel, in Austria's Salzkammergut resort area. The 43-meter long sky high ladder is stretched over an abyss some…

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Cruising Colombia

Politically, Colombia has its ups and downs, let's face it.  But, during the calm times, this country will make your jaw drop. Featuring geuninely kind people, stunning  mountains, overwhelming lush forests and unspoiled coasts, Colombia should be a must-see on your list. And now, Ama Waterways are making it easy for you with luxury cruises…

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To walk all night in Moscow

There are few cities that are as appealing (and to some, daunting) as Moscow.  It's history and "reputation" precede the city itself.  But it would be a big mistake to miss it.  Moscow is bound to be a special one. From the multicolored spires of St. Basil’s Cathedral to the sturdy red walls of the…

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20,000 rental campers. 24 countries. 4 continents. Go!

We love camping, and we love campervans even more, especially when they're the smart new models - good on petrol, good on space, good on the environment. We're also really happy to welcome our new affiliate friends, Their portfolio includes up to 20,000 rental vehicles that can be booked directly in 24 countries on…

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Why do you build it up, buttercup…

... just to tear it down, and mess it around?  The Italian city that destroys itself:  Here it was – the Catholic guilt. My fear of judgment, which had lain dormant for years since my schoolgirl days, now rose in my throat as I waited for the priest to exit the Church of Santo Gemine…

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