If ever there was a city that has universally admired vibes, its Sydney, Australia. And rightly so. The vibes are real, as are the people. Gorgeous weather, sea, sun and more, it’s worth the flight. Go, mate!
Looking for your next travel destination? Are you a music fan? Do you like to mix the two, maybe with a little ganja and history? Well, we have the perfect combination for you. You've probably guessed it - it's Jamaica. You know it - the Caribbean island nation, that has a…
The more that we continue to work on Matouring, the more we realise how much "world" is out there. That may sound rather simplistic, but even in these modern days of being "connected" 24x7, we are still bedazzled at how much we haven't yet seen, and we've been to many, many places. We've…
We won't spend too much time discussing the dimensions of our beloved planet Earth. That's something that we all should have learned when we were supposedly learning things in school. It's big, to say the least. (OK, we guessed that you would want to know: Earth's circumference is the distance around…
If you're not from Asia, you'll often find that it's a most fascinating and unpredictable part of the planet. We love that. Why see the same old same old when you can be a part of something that may be once in a lifetime. And, after running this website for a number…
We're noticing that more and more people are noticing that Canada is a rather nice place to travel. Over 32 million people travel to the Great White North each year, and over 1 million Canadians call travel their line of work. It's a nice place to visit, as it is so diverse, especially…
As much as we love to travel, we're well aware of the impacts that travel can have. Especially when we think about flying, which is almost always a component of our travel. Today's aircraft are incredible when it comes to how far they can fly. For example, a Boeing 777-300ER has a…
Brace yourself: this will likely be a touchy subject for some. Right up front, we'll state that this post is about Iran. As of this writing, Iran is politically boiling and is, in many places, generally not a good place to be, especially if you're a tourist. As is what is happening…
Ye, verily. As is our wont here at Matouring, we find great pleasure in presenting new (hopefully) and interesting (almost always) discoveries for our readers. There are 195 countries in the world, and 7.837 billion people in that world. That provides a bevy of opportunities for those of us who travel. And,…
We're always on the lookout for the "non-traditional." While our travel radar is usually occupied by the most popular, traditional locations, settings and activities (we're talking about you, Venice) we also long for the unusual, the hidden gem, the "find" that makes our mind tingle and pushes us to go and explore. We…
Well, here we go again. You know us. We we love travel. We love history. And we love science. This post has all three all wrapped up in a rather exciting bundle...a roaring bundle, as it were. This is all about Niagara Falls. If you've been to that…
The title of this post not only applies to life in general, but it also applies to the subject of the post: the Columbia Ice Fields in Banff, Alberta, Canada. One of the few remaining glaciers in North America, this precious resource of Mother Nature is - literally - breathtaking. We've done…
This is a multi-faceted post, as it touches - literally - on so many topics. You may have heard of Gabon, but many may have not. Wikitravel tells us that Gabon is a country in Western Central Africa. It lies on the Equator, on the Atlantic Ocean coast, between the Republic of the Congo to the…
We would guess that there are only a few of our clever readers that would not want to go to Chile. It is one of those South American countries that just seems to call our name. It's far away from most places on the planet, so many casual tourists might give it a…
We have written a few posts in the past about the US state of Ohio. We lived there at one time. It's a pleasant enough place, with Cleveland, Cincinnati and Dayton as its main population centres. The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame is there. It is mostly comprised of cows…
Here's another in our periodic posts about "not your normal" holiday choice. No, this is not hang gliding through enemy airspace, or similar rough-knuckle adventures. This is about taking a leap and making a commitment to stepping outside of your normal comfort zone, and then opening your eyes, ears and stomach to a…
Iceland always has a pure, if mysterious allure for anyone who hasn't been. Cold and misty, yet with boiling volcanoes that keep the residents warm and the visitors coming. A Nordic nation, Iceland is defined by its dramatic landscape with beautiful mountains, hot springs and more. Massive glaciers are protected in Vatnajökull and Snæfellsjökull…
Shush.... show a little respect. This post is for you adventurers who constantly want to do something out of the ordinary. Rather than spend your days on a beach or in a huge city, going from one museum to another, you want to look for something that not many others have seen.…
Americans love their grim descriptions of things and places. It's in films, magazines and movies. And just take a sample of some of Netflix's titles. Need we say more? It's a national obsession. And it's not new. In 1936, on the occasion of a speech by the nationalist Gen. Millan…
When most people think of South America, it's usually Peru or Chile or Colombia. They're all fabulous places and if you haven't already been, we seriously suggest that you look into this most varied and truly wonderful part of the world. For those not in the know, nestled between the Caribbean, the South…