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Life of Luxury

Life of Luxury

Beaucoup Baku

Baku has a medieval Islamic core surrounded by lavish late 19th and early 20th-century European styles and modern skyscrapers and designs. [] Layers of history can be unraveled by exploring the architecture in Baku as you pass through Azerbaijan’s different eras. Read more courtesy of Please rotate on mobile devices   [/] Want to learn more? Click here to join.

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Remain in Spain again

You probably already know that when people flock to Europe, Spain is the most chosen destination. And that's no surprise, of course, as it simply seems to have what people want. An overabundance of sunshine, history, diverse countryside, criminally hip cities and a natural cuisine (not to mention wine) that all goes into a melting…

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I’m covid-nervous. Where can I travel?

Even though the world - more or less - appears to be out of the woods when it come to Covid and how it keeps popping up its ugly little head, many of us are still reluctant to commit to a holiday, even though we really need one in the worst way. So what can…

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Wine & bike tour in Constantia

What could possibly go wrong? We would imagine that most of our readers have - at least once - dreamt of a wine holiday. Most of the world's vineyards feature rolling hills, expansive vistas, good roads and - of course - wine stops. Of course, this is not a good idea in a car, but…

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See what the future will bring

When we hear museums, we think of ancient relics and stunning paintings hidden away in glass cases. What if we tell you there's a Museum of the Future? You don't have to travel through time—just travel to Dubai!  With so much awesome stuff about the Museum of the Future, we don't even know where to start!…

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I scream, you scream, we all scream for…

...sunscreen! And ice cream! In most parts of the world (as of now) we're saying hello to Mr. Blue Skies. And it's way overdue. Even with residual Covid masks still being recommended, we can almost feel back to normal . . almost. But, when you choose a nice sunny place to spend…

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Ingmar would be pleased

My gosh, we’d really like to go off-grid right now. Somewhere isolated. Somewhere barren but still beautiful. Somewhere where you almost feel like you’ve reached the very edge of the planet. The island of Hamneskär, off Sweden’s western coast, is just that sort of place. For decades, this rocky island has been home to a lighthouse,…

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Copenhagen mountain

One of the things we like to expose and promote here is interesting architecture and its even more interesting usage. With the elastic and durable materials that architects have at their fingertips now, the sky is the limit. In this case - literally. We imagine that many of you were terrified when you…

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Spread your shiny wings and fly away

If you've never done it before, it can be daunting to take your first solo trip in your 40s, but plenty of people are doing exactly that. The stereotypical image of the solo traveller may be the pre-university gap year student, but these days the biggest solo travel growth demographic is the over-35s. We've spoken…

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Camelot in Mexico

The Sixties were a wild time. Free love. The Beatles. International travel and intrigue. Modern art. Groovy personalities. Two of which we feature here: Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton. Arguably among the top ten stars during that spectacular decade, they made the world their oyster. One of their best…

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Ouigo Train Classique

We love history. We love trains. We love France. We love you! What a combination, bien sur. OUIGO has been preparing a nice surprise for you for several months now: trains on the classic line, with great prices. SNCF Voyageurs launched its first Ouigo Train Classique low-cost passenger services…

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Getaway car

Here's an interesting idea. Get away from car payments. How about having access to dozens of models of automobiles that you can use, swap and refresh as often as you like. A car subscription. And you should see the choice! Meet FINN. Europe-based FINN are revolutionizing conventional car ownership and making driving…

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Almost everywhere is on sale right now

The World is on Sale for a Limited Time Only with Wendy Wu Tours Explore near and far in 2022 & 2023 with huge discounts on tours worldwide for every departure for a limited time only. Simply book any of their group tours with just a £99 / ($128 USD) deposit per person to…

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