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Design and Art

Let’s go back in time: 1950’s California

Thanks to the Electric Interwebs, we modern species of humans are able to go back in time to either remember, or to learn anew. Not surprisingly, one of the most memorable places on earth is Los Angeles, and it has been for decades. As busy and as thriving as it is, we discovered…

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Ahh . . history. Tell us another tale.

When it comes to history, some people would rather crawl under a rock than sit and watch historians argue about who is right and who is wrong. Of course, there is usually an answer that the boffins land on eventually, otherwise we all would still be living in caves. We love history, so…

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Antibes: your Liebe?

Years ago, when your editor was a wee sprog, I discovered progressive rock music. One of the leading promoters of that genre was Richard Branson's Virgin records. Those of you of a certain age will certainly remember Tubular Bells: Sir Richard brought that most amazing event / LP to the public. …

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You won’t complain-a in Cartagena

We've been to Cartagena, Colombia many, many times. Why, you may ask? We have family there, but - even more - it's such a wonderful place to be (as is all of Colombia.) Relaxed, hip, diverse, fun and rich in history. And the food transcends. Located on the northern coast…

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Tokyo to Hiroshima in less than 4 minutes.

This could be another one of those "been there, done that" stories, where frenzied travelers (or travel bloggers) flee at full speed just to meet their self-imposed deadlines. But, seriously, that's not what travel should be about. You likely flew for ten or more hours to get there, so why rush it? …

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Room with a Vroooom!

We love cars, although we're sensible enough to know that their place (as it is now) on earth is not helping the environment at all. Having lived in and experienced a number of locations in the world, even as the earth burns, we still see six litre pickup trucks and supercars trundling (and…

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