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Stranded in the jungle?

Hardly! Mexico is a massive and bustling country, but to this day, it still has a "reputation" of being slow to move and not firing on all cylinders. Well, nothing could be further from the truth. We've been there and it is as action-packed, bustling and diverse as any place on the planet.…

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Halligen’s Island

Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale a tale of a fateful trip, that started from this tropic port, aboard this tiny ship. Does that ring any bells, Cap'n? If you lived in North America or Canada in the 1960's you'll know that song - the theme from Gilligan's Island. …

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Malta, not Gibralta’

We recently happened upon a fascinating video featuring the calming and kind Bettany Hughes where she takes viewers into locations - many subterranean - in this most interesting country. Its history is beyond impressive, especially with so many countries taking control at one time or another. In fact, Malta has a history dating…

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From Talca to Constitución

You know our mantra here on our site. We love travel and we love history, and we love it when we can combine the two. And we love it even more when we find hidden treasures around the globe. Even more, it's always a thrill to be able to highlight history in…

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What (where and who) is St. Julian’s?

Malta is the answer. And it's a place that many often forget about, which is a huge shame. If you're not in the know, Malta itself is a beautiful Mediterranean island nation with a rich history, stunning landscapes, and a unique culture that makes it a compelling destination for travelers. And it's easy…

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More and more, we have more. The 10 Best Airports in Africa.

A topic we often highlight - billionaires - is high on everyone's list nowadays , especially if you live inside TicTok. Achieving that amount of money was only a dream for most entrepreneurs even ten years ago. But, thanks to the connected world of the internet coupled with the sheer creativity of those…

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einstürzende alte Gebäude*

(*Collapsing old buildings.) Or, when will they ever learn? Yet another post in our series of watching history disappear, like it or not. In this case, it's an example of the US government's intent to raze two important buildings in Chicago, Illinois. These historic Chicago skyscrapers should stay, as they acted as the…

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O’ Great Zimbabwe

The ancient city of Great Zimbabwe was an engineering wonder. But archaeologists credited it to Phoenicians, Babylonians, Arabians – anyone but the Africans who actually built it. Great Zimbabwe is a medieval city in the south-eastern hills of the modern country of Zimbabwe, near Lake Mutirikwi and the town of Masvingo. It is thought to have been the capital…

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