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Malta, not Gibralta’

We recently happened upon a fascinating video featuring the calming and kind Bettany Hughes where she takes viewers into locations - many subterranean - in this most interesting country. Its history is beyond impressive, especially with so many countries taking control at one time or another. In fact, Malta has a history dating…

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Time travel in Venezuela

We love writing about history. It's like an onion, where the more you peel, the more you find the prize. And we are well and truly blessed nowadays to have history at our fingertips, at the end of a remote control. Discovering new editions of historical topics is one of the best…

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Do you speak Livonian? Does anyone?

You'd have to be living under a rock not to know how available the world is . . at your fingertips, in many cases. The internet, cheap flights, Google Translate on your phone. If you haven't lived the (sometimes) nightmare of trying to travel in the 1960's or 1970's, then thank your…

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Whistle while you work

Since Covid, there has been this yin / yang conversation happening about where and how to work. Throngs of people returned to their homes to try to diminish the virus but, as a by-product, also realised the enjoyment and benefits of not having to spend ninety minutes (twice a day) commuting back and forth…

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