Here's a nutty, but ultimately understandable (maybe) story of how airlines price their flights. One would expect that prices would be based on demand, season of the year, or perhaps even special events (such as the World Cup.) Of course, all of these are true, but when you try and work your way…
Sigh . . . there are the rich, and then there are the super rich. Many of them are hidden away, amassing their fortunes behind closed doors, periodically peeking out to survey the world, much of which they already own. If that's a world where you see yourself, good luck. We support…
We're lucky enough to live in Vancouver, Canada. It's not perfect, and it's starting to burst at the seams with those wanting to be a part of the scene. It is among Canada’s densest, most ethnically diverse cities. A popular filming location, it’s surrounded by mountains, and also has thriving art, theatre and…
It will come as no surprise to regular reader here how much we love Europe. There are very few places in the world that offer as much diversity, excitement and romance as that most desirable continent. And, if you happen to be in the UK and want to journey to Europe, hiring a…
Are you the edgy type? Looking for something new and different? How about going underground . . . literally. And it's actually perfect if the weather is lousy. How about Rolling hills, deep river valleys, and the world's longest known cave system? Mammoth Cave National Park is home to thousands…
C'mon. Admit it. You're still a kid. You still love all of the things that you used to love, even if your bones and muscles don't always agree. Roller coasters. Surfing. Go-karts. You know. Well, even if your body complains, there are still lots of things to do where you…
As if being in Spain isn't enough for your average tourist, we have something here that will make visiting even more exciting, especially if you like a good deal . . and a good deal more. Arguably one of Spain’s most significant contributions to global gastronomy, the tapa comes in all shapes and sizes,…
It’s the most dominant fast food chain on the planet, serving 68 million customers a day in 120 countries. You won’t spot the golden arches, though, anywhere on one tiny island in the easternmost Caribbean. “Bajans didn’t like it,” says Michael Harrison when asked about the absence of McDonalds in Barbados. “When they want a…
Some things beggar belief. Or, maybe we don't have the benefit of understanding the intent. So, let's go straight to the point on this one. Why would someone install a Metro station in the middle of nowhere? You'll find out at the end of it and, as it happens, there is…
If you're of a certain age (like us,) you may long for places or things that remind you of when you were young. In our case, we have a sweet spot for the 1960s. Just last night (for Valentine's Day,) Mr. and Mrs. Matouring ventured to a place here in Vancouver to…
When you think of island holidays, usually Polynesia or the Pacific Ocean leaps into your mind first and foremost, for obvious reasons. Who doesn't love a sunny holiday, where the most effort that you need to expend is just to roll over in the sand? But, as you relax on that beach, you may…
As they say, nothing succeeds like excess. And combine that with persistence, and you've got a winner. But it can be annoying, and sometimes over the top, as is the case here. Living near an airport has its challenges. If you love flying and planes (like we do) it's less of a…
Here's a post for the soft-spoken people. The people who bask in the quiet. Those who know the sounds of silence. There are plenty of places to find solace: your spare bathroom. Your car in the garage. Even in an underground bunker if you they'll let you in -…
Who doesn’t love a Tuk Tuk? We certainly do, and we’ve been in them from Delhi to Peru. Cramped, noisy, smelly, chaotic and 150% fun.
Were you aware that the USA has no less than five UNESCO-designated sites? Taos Mexico is just one.
Your oasis of solitude exists!
It’s lonely at the top. So lay low when you can.
In our opinion, small French towns are the best parts of France.
We have written a few posts about how travel can be a nightmare at times, especially when the travel companies don't seem to solve the issues (sometimes no matter how hard they try.) It could be a cascade of problems that they have no control over, or it could external influences - Covid anyone?…
It's OK to throw your clothes into a pile in the corner when you're at home. But, you don't really have that luxury when you travel, especially with today's ludicrous prices for checking in your luggage. Right now, you can pay from $30 to $89 per bag, and this is not even factoring…