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Careful: Don’t be Ivory Toast

....on the Ivory coast. No surprise here. Crocodiles pull in the crowds. But don't let them pull you in, too, literally, as delicious as you think you look. Everyone loves a show, so please meet Félix Houphouët-Boigny, affectionately called Papa Houphouët or Le Vieux, (1905–1993) was a prominent Ivorian politician…

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Sandoy Joy

Life's simple pleasures are the best, especially when Mother Nature puts hurdles in your way and you find a way around it. In this post, the hurdle was rather huge: millions of years of rock and water, all part of living in Sandoy, the first of the five southern islands that make up…

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Panama Banal?

Hardly! And, so, here's another post for those with palpable wanderlust. Are you the type? Do you long to see everywhere on the planet before you shuffle off this mortal coil? Do you have no problems with wandering through the weeds or the woods to find yourself in nowhere, so to speak?…

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How high can you fly?

The ever humorous Douglas Adams always knew how to turn a phrase. He wrote The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy that sold more than 15 million copies in his lifetime. Given the nature of that book, we're sure he would laugh with us at the irony of it all. As he quoted, “I…

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Fly first class, virtually

We're confident that anyone who wants to travel will always want First Class tickets. But, in the decades gone by, even business professionals couldn’t plump the cash for the standard cost of a regular flight, let alone first class airline tickets. At the time, they were sky high (no pun intended.) Fare on…

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Soviet sanatorium holidays

In this place in time, today - January of 2024 - the idea of having holidays in Russia may not seem appealing or even plausible to many. Moscow and Washington are rattling their sabers again, and the weight of that activity is throwing the world off balance yet again. But it wasn't always…

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Fly through history, друг

As is our wont, we present yet another post focused on history and travel. But this one takes several different slants, and ones that we hope you'll investigate. Specifically, here we feature live history that you can not only read about (and watch the video,) but this is history where you can…

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