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Special Interest

Special Interest

Beaucoup Baku

Baku has a medieval Islamic core surrounded by lavish late 19th and early 20th-century European styles and modern skyscrapers and designs. [] Layers of history can be unraveled by exploring the architecture in Baku as you pass through Azerbaijan’s different eras. Read more courtesy of Please rotate on mobile devices   [/] Want to learn more? Click here to join.

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Wine & bike tour in Constantia

What could possibly go wrong? We would imagine that most of our readers have - at least once - dreamt of a wine holiday. Most of the world's vineyards feature rolling hills, expansive vistas, good roads and - of course - wine stops. Of course, this is not a good idea in a car, but…

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See what the future will bring

When we hear museums, we think of ancient relics and stunning paintings hidden away in glass cases. What if we tell you there's a Museum of the Future? You don't have to travel through time—just travel to Dubai!  With so much awesome stuff about the Museum of the Future, we don't even know where to start!…

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Fairytale of the Three Bears

In rural Russia, the days of Communism are fading from memory like fairytales. Set in the frigid, snow-swept landscape of northern Russia, Fairytale of the Three Bears features three rural men reflecting on the seismic shifts in Russian culture and economics following the collapse of the Soviet Union. Amid their musings on the days before…

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Safranbolu is an Ottoman village declared world heritage by UNESCO. You cannot leave Turkey without visiting it. And that's why tourists from various parts of the world go there. Well, it is not for less! All the houses of the town have their charm, which is more beautiful than the previous one. Architecturally they can…

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Adventures in (time) travel

Vancouver, Canada, is not a particularly old city. You might see some buildings from the late 1800's, but mostly it's 1970's family homes and high-rise apartments. We were driving down the street the other day in Vancouver, and passed this hotel / motel that we hadn't seen before, the 2400 Motel. We…

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