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Special Interest

Special Interest

More and more, we have more. The 10 Best Airports in Africa.

A topic we often highlight - billionaires - is high on everyone's list nowadays , especially if you live inside TicTok. Achieving that amount of money was only a dream for most entrepreneurs even ten years ago. But, thanks to the connected world of the internet coupled with the sheer creativity of those…

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Room with a Vroooom!

We love cars, although we're sensible enough to know that their place (as it is now) on earth is not helping the environment at all. Having lived in and experienced a number of locations in the world, even as the earth burns, we still see six litre pickup trucks and supercars trundling (and…

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Vermont Jaunt

The USA gets lots of press, pretty much every day. Some good, some bad. And sometimes the actions of the US Government taint US citizens, whether they agree or not. That happens with many countries, of course, but the US's fingers are long, deep and pervasive, as well as persuasive. But, of…

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einstürzende alte Gebäude*

(*Collapsing old buildings.) Or, when will they ever learn? Yet another post in our series of watching history disappear, like it or not. In this case, it's an example of the US government's intent to raze two important buildings in Chicago, Illinois. These historic Chicago skyscrapers should stay, as they acted as the…

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I’m sorry Dave, I’m afraid you can’t fly that

Pity the poor airlines.  During Covid, nobody wanted to fly.  Now everyone wants to fly . . everywhere . . .all at once.  And, in some cases, it almost feels like the airlines have forgotten how to run their business. But, as always - Covid or not - things go wrong and your flight is cancelled. …

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