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Plan a Savannah (holiday)

The United States is a vast chunk of land, with all types of terrain, climates and adventures.  Many of you may have already visited -  or may even reside there. (We did, a long time ago.)  Calling it diverse would be an understatement. Most travelers tend to focus on New York, or Los Angeles, San…

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Updated: Luxury train through the USA

If you’re a regular visitor here to our site, you’ll know how much we love trains and rail travel. So, we’re happy to offer this mash-up for you train buffs: a USA New England rail tour courtesy of the UK’s Great Rail Journeys. Discover the stunning warm hues of New England's golden season, exploring America's…

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Pobrecito: the twelve year-old president

It's not easy being important.  Above and beyond all of your daily duties, you have even more activities that fill up the rest of the day.  And that day often turns into night, since you're so busy. But some important people just can't get a break. Pity poor Pedro Sánchez, the Spanish Prime Minister.  Smart, young, handsome…

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The best of an island is once you get there*

“Lighthouses don’t go running all over an island looking for boats to save; they just stand there shining.” – Anne Lamott “We live on an island surrounded by a sea of ignorance. As our island of knowledge grows, so does the shore of our ignorance.” – John Archibald Wheeler “How I wish that somewhere there existed an…

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Vanuatu much

Chances are good that you've not heard of Vanuatu.  A South Pacific Ocean nation made up of roughly 80 islands that stretch 1,300 kilometers, we discovered it purely out of chance and we're glad that we did.  Previously known as the New Hebrides Islands, it is an archipelago nation in the southwest Pacific Ocean, north of…

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Here comes the sun… stone

Little darling . . . the the Aztec sun stone (Spanish: Piedra del Sol) is a late post-classic Mexica sculpture housed in the National Anthropology Museum in Mexico City, and is perhaps the most famous work of Mexican sculpture.  It is also somewhat of an enigma. There are no clear indications about the authorship or purpose…

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Take Italy from the authorities – Italians.

Imagine living in one of the most desired travel destinations in the world.  Friends are jealous when you visit there, especially when they haven't (yet.)  You visit there often, but are still bamboozled with all of the places you haven't seen.  And Covid has set your travel plans back at least two years. Welcome to the…

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Romantic Ilulissat

We are pretty sure that most of our readers are of intrepid, open-minded,energetic and fun-loving.  All the world is your oyster.  A new day, a new adventure.  With that in mind, do we have a place for you! We're willing to bet that many of you haven't visited Greenland, yet.  The country probably doesn't leap to…

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IV drip trips

We're not sure if this is a trend, or a reaction, but we're seeing more and more wellness solutions appearing in the news and in our mailboxes. Why is this?  Are these jokes, snake-oil salespeople, misguided wellness gurus or . . . a real thing?  Something to think about when you click on a link or…

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But what will you do with all that time?

It won't be surprise if we say that Japan is one of the happiest and most welcoming countries in the world.  Its residents strive every day find happiness in even the little things.  But, some of the quiet islands take that ethos even further. Okinawa, Japan has highest congregation of  people over 100 years of…

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Sleepwalk on the water

How often do you have a dream come true?  This one almost defies belief, and certainly exceeds expectations. Once a monastery, Argos in Cappadocia is an exclusive hotel featuring elegant rooms with elaborate stone carvings and antique furnishings. Some of the suites even have a private indoor pool, perfect for guests dreaming about a romantic…

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Sleeping village

This article will either make you shake with fright, long for your teenage years   . .  or both. Designers are clever, especially when it comes to transforming something simple and relaxing into the stuff of nightmares.  It doesn't take much, and our imaginations have a tendency to run away from reality, especially when you desire that. And,…

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Ride the Hong Kong dragon

As if Hong Kong is not enough on its own, it also shyly features quiet joys. Fear not.  We're not discussing a fiery Cantonese dish (most aren't.)  Nor are we proposing some kind of thrill ride that requires diapers (although this activity features thrills of its own.) One little-known joy of Hong Kong is Shek O Peak,…

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How can Kuwait any longer??

What do you know about Kuwait? Yes, Kuwait (Arabic: الكويت) is a country in the Middle East. It is located at the head of the Persian Gulf, with Iraq to the north and west, and Saudi Arabia to the southwest. And, yes, Kuwaiti people originate from Arabia, Iran and Iraq, although a small minority of Kuwaitis trace…

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They keep warning us about global warming but, for some reason, we don't listen. The Matterhorn is global warming’s latest victim.  Researchers installed 50 movement sensors at 13,000 feet to monitor how the mountain is coping with rising temperatures and melting permafrost, the layer of frozen soil beneath the Earth’s surface. They found developing and expanding fissures…

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