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Do Something Different

Do Something Different

Sleeping pilots!

Have you ever wondered where the cabin crew goes when they need some shut-eye?  See the secret crew rest space where pilots and flight attendants sleep during long international flights. Content courtesy of Reddit. Secret crew rest space where pilots and flight attendants sleep during long international flights from r/Damnthatsinteresting

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Everything is negative

A normal tourist map, "but everything is negative" 'Critical Tourist Map of Oslo' offers uniquely dark perspective on Norway's capital. Your standard tourist map is irrepressibly positive about its location—but not this one. Norwegian activist/artist Markus Moestue reveals the dark and shameful sides of Oslo. He hopes his 'Critical Tourist Map' will inspire others…

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India, you’re my lovesong

If ever we were challenged to name a country more diverse than India, we’d have a tough time. Few places, if any, rival the sheer amount of traditions, cuisines, landscapes, and religions found within India’s borders, from the high Himalayas in the north to the desert sands of the west to the palm tree-fringed rivers…

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Attention avid travelers and readers!  Matouring is pleased to announce our partnership with Blinkist. Blinkist, is a book-summarizing subscription service based in Berlin, Germany.  All about them:  "Almost none of us have the time to read everything we’d like to read. Yet we lose countless hours to activities that bring us little joy such as…

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What UV is what you get

In South Korea, the solar panels in the middle of the highway have a bicycle path underneath..cyclists are protected from the sun, isolated from traffic, and the country can produce clean energy. It is being trialed along a specific section of highway between Sejong and Daejeon/Gongju, but could act as the template for the future…

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12 Travel

Matouring is very happy to present our newest partner, 12 12 works with over 140 tour operators such as Neckermann Reisen, FTI Touristik Reisen, Alltours Reisen, Jahn Reisen, Dertour, Meiers Weltreisen, ITS, Thomas Cook. 12 / 12 / 12 searches and finds for you, from the confusing and seemingly endless…

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Genesis of the Docklands

A floating church has moored in East London. The work of locally-based architecture studio Denizen Works, this innovative project brings together architecture and boat building, religious, community spaces and practice, and contemporary design. The project was spearheaded by the Diocese of London for the St Columba East London community, and has been created in close…

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Toto, I don’t think we’re in the USA anymore

Fifteen places in the US that feel like a completely different country. In the 1960s, the people of Leavenworth transformed their city into a Bavarian-style village to promote tourism. Almost 60 years later, that vision is still alive and well. With Alpine architecture, a mountain backdrop, and plenty of sauerkraut and bratwurst, it’s surprisingly easy…

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How our brain sculpts experience in line with our expectations

The Book of Days (1864) by the Scottish author Robert Chambers reports a curious legal case: in 1457 in the town of Lavegny, a sow and her piglets were charged and tried for the murder of a partially eaten small child. After much deliberation, the court condemned the sow to death for her part in…

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