…. all night long, or as long as Sir Rod is able to stay awake. Even the biggest millionaires or philanthropists sometimes have weekends of. And, like all of us, they like to do the exact opposite of what they do during the week. Some of them indulge in hang-gliding through enemy airspace, or some just build really big holes.
Some, though are just ostensibly normal people (relatively) and have things that they like to do on the weekends, too. Who are we to say that they must be entertaining us 24×7? So, let us applaud an entertainer who has dropped all of his pretenses and has simply opened a door into his life. One of rock and roll’s legend has to be Rod Stewart. And what does he do to while away the hours? He rolls up his sleeves and manages his rail company. But this trainline is only 1:87-scale, and he’s been working on it for decades
Do you want to hear some of Sir Rod’s another line of work? See below.
Back in the 1960’s and 1970’s Sir Rod was ripping it up with godlike stars (they actually played their instruments) such as Jimmy Page, Jeff Beck and more. What a life, eh?
And don’t forget the rather amazing Miniatur Wunderland in Hamburg. Here‘s our post about that. Fun!

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