Every day we wake up in the morning and look forward to our “job,” which is find fun new things for you to enjoy. Lucky us, as we get to enjoy the content, too. We periodically highlight this “duty,” as it gives us great enjoyment, as well. We always do our very best to scour the planet, looking for stuff that you might never see, but should. It’s always an enjoyment to do this. We consider ourselves lucky.
After that brief intro, let us leap into another one of these fun – and in this case – “peculiar things that humans do.” YouTuber Tom Scott has established himself as one who can search and find some of the oddest characteristics and activities of human beings, almost all of them a puzzle, if not an outright laugh. Here, Tom’s video – entitled “Three strange river crossings” – brings to light ever more oddities to please you and your anorak friends. As Tom starts the video “Over the Manchester Ship Canal, you’ll find the Hulmes Ferry, the Thelwall Ferry, and the Warburton Toll Bridge you find yourself in the middle of not one oddness, but three. All based in the UK and you can visit all three. Thrill your anorak friends.
Tom takes you to all three. When, as is the way today, that everything is so homogenized, happening upon something so completely odd like these will surely make you laugh out loud.

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