We don’t know about you, but we still shiver with tears when we look back on the videos of Notre Dame on fire. Even if you’ve been to Paris dozens of times, that most marvelous of buildings still makes our heart race when we walk up to its doors. On 15 April 2019, just before 18:20 CEST, a structural fire broke out in the roof space of Notre-Dame de Paris, the medieval Catholic cathedral in Paris, France.
And, as you’ll see in the two videos, this is not the first fire that the grand Dame has experienced. No, there have been many, and she keeps rising from the ashes. But, now she has impressive technology to bring her back to her glory. Watch the two videos, below.

While you wait, visit other stunning locations in and around Paris. Click here to tour the Palace of Versailles.

How about that for a view? Stay at the funky Hôtel Tiquetonne. Click here to look and book. Fun!
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