Happily, this is, for the most part, a philosophical question and not a pragmatic one. But what if? You’re not a pilot, you’ve never even flown a Cessna 172 and now you, the hero, are faced with the plot of a bad movie. The pilot and co-pilot are not fully cognizant. You have a jam-packed plane full of passengers and you have zero or fleeting skills: perhaps you’ve toyed around with Microsoft Flight Simulator, but now you’re being called to be the real thing. What are the chances of that? And what are the chances?
Take a deep breath and relax. First of all, as of this writing, this kind of horrific scenario has never happened. And air professionals have a list of actions to work through in case it does. And today’s modern aircraft all have one-after-another failsafe mechanism to bring the plane to a positive result. Watch the video below, as the BBC’s poet laureate and ultra-smart boffin, Stephen Fry solves the predicament. His QI cohorts here throw in their own rib-tickling (and quick) responses, as well.
These factors, combined with the commitment of all stakeholders in the aviation industry to prioritize safety, have led to the remarkable safety record of modern jet airliners. As technology and safety practices continue to advance, we can expect even further improvements in aviation safety. If you love aviation like we do, sign-up to Petter Hörnfeldt (better known as Mentour Now. You’ll learn a lot. (See below.)
Remember that modern airliners are equipped with redundant systems to ensure continued operation in case of failures. Critical components, such as engines and control systems, often have multiple backups, which significantly reduces the likelihood of catastrophic failures. Pilots go through extensive training, including simulations and regular proficiency checks, to maintain their skills and knowledge. This training prepares them to handle various emergencies and critical situations effectively.
And remember that modern jet airliners are considered incredibly safe due to a combination of factors that have been refined and improved over the years. Some of the key reasons for their exceptional safety record are: aviation authorities worldwide impose strict safety standards and regulations that all airlines and aircraft must adhere to. These regulations cover design, manufacturing, maintenance, pilot training, and operational procedures.

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