This post has nothing to do with your chosen financial institution. This is an honest question about the City of lights. For those of us who have been blessed to be able to experience this most magic of places, a walk along the Left bank of the Seine river is de rigueur, bien sur. How many millions of photos were taken there along what is probably the most romantic place on earth. Endless poets (or wannabe poets) wax … erm… poetic. For example: Behold the Left Bank, a realm adorned with grace, Where bohemian spirits find their sacred space, From cobbled streets to cafes’ enticing call, A tapestry of inspiration, where muses enthrall.
But, most of the attention is focused on the Left Bank. What about giving some love to the right bank? Here is our offering: Where Seine’s gentle whispers drift along, resides a realm where dreams and art belong. A tapestry of elegance, the Parisian grace, Upon the Right Bank, a timeless embrace. The Right Bank, a canvas, forever inspired, By artists and visionaries, its soul admired. A symphony of culture.

Have you ever given this some thought? Are you in love with all of Paris, instead of just some of Paris? Well, here is your chance to make amends with the muses. Watch the video below to see what you’ve been missing. Put things right.

Profound Paris. How about a Tour de moto in classic bikes. Bien sur! Click here.

We’ve loved Hotel du Champ de Mars since the 1990’s. Petite, but perfect. Click here to book.

When in Europe, take the train. Click here to book with TheTrainline.