There are few experiences worse than having your flight cancelled. Like dominos, one thing after another happens and most of them are not pleasant. And, since the pandemic, many airlines have not been able to get back in their stride. Long queues, more canceled flights, ambivalent customer service – at best. To be fair, the airlines do their level best to make things work, but it’s often life herding cats. Our respect and commiserations go out to the beleaguered employees.

But, as is often the case, smart travelers have smart solutions to these hiccups. And there are few travelers smarter than Gary Leff, who runs His regular posts are chestnuts of knowledge, and he posts regularly. In this instance, he features some sage advice about to do when your flight is canceled. But, unlike most advice that you’ll see, he is not recommending running at full speed to find a hotel. Instead, he recommends that you plan ahead. See the section So what do you do instead? in Gary’s post. It can make a huge difference to your bad experience.
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