In ancient Rome, thermae (from Greek θερμός thermos, "hot") and balneae (from Greek βαλανεῖον balaneion) were facilities for bathing. Thermae usually refers to the large imperial bath complexes, while balneae were smaller-scale facilities, public or private, that existed in great numbers throughout Rome.[1] Most Roman cities had at least one – if not many – such buildings, which were centres not only for bathing, but socializing and reading as well.…
This post may seem obvious to you - and that's a good thing - but it's interesting that many of us don't always put 2+2 together. For one reason or another, what seems like a logical thought at 02:30 in the morning doesn't always magically appear again the next day. Especially if you…
We love history. We love trains. We love France. We love you! What a combination, bien sur. OUIGO has been preparing a nice surprise for you for several months now: trains on the classic line, with great prices. SNCF Voyageurs launched its first Ouigo Train Classique low-cost passenger services…
... if you don't eat him first. As if modern life isn't good enough as it is, we have something that will make your day complete - even if you don't survive. You've been to London, or Paris, or Buenos Aires. But have you ever been eaten by Godzilla? We'll bet…
People often gasp when they visit British Columbia (BC). Visit places like Vancouver, and you will see a shiny new metropolis bursting with energy, diversity, world-awareness and history.
This article is about some of the history.
Fishermen still ply the seas. The amount of timber in BC is sometimes hard to fathom - it just goes on…
Here's an interesting idea. Get away from car payments. How about having access to dozens of models of automobiles that you can use, swap and refresh as often as you like. A car subscription. And you should see the choice! Meet FINN. Europe-based FINN are revolutionizing conventional car ownership and making driving…
Say what you will about Social Media, one thing that it's done (well) is to open our eyes and minds to places that we may not have heard of, or perhaps have heard of but have not seen. Even if you consider yourself well-travelled, you can be sure that you've probably just scratched the…
This one is going to be hard to resist, we think. Who doesn't want to rub elbows with the rich and famous, even if we have no idea what to say to them? We watch the movies and see them in the tabloids and all over social media. Nice work if you…
Even Einstein failed... You might be on holiday, and perhaps things are not going the way you wanted them to. You've been waiting for years to get into the Prado or the Louvre. But, on the day, things just start to go south. Maybe it's raining. Maybe the queues are too…
We could be wrong, but it feels like Covid is on the decline and that we can again breath a collective sigh of relief, pun intended. But, to be sure, it's not gone completely so be safe out there, as they say. And, as thanks, we can start to live our lives again but,…
We love history, here at Matouring, especially when you can touch it. And we're grateful to large companies when they spend the time and the money to maintain their history, even if it entails spending a rather large chunk of money. And, some companies actually take the time to do it properly, where…
Nothing like walking along a beach and then - hey presto! - finding out that it's for nudists. That happened to us here in Vancouver, of all places. Luckily, our sunglasses were in place and covered our eyes even if they didn't hide our embarassment. We're not prudes, by any stretch -…
Please welcome our newest team member, Trish Filipovic. Whereas your editor jerks from one topic to another, Trish will focus on lengthy and content-rich articles. She's been all over the globe and knows what she's talking about. Get yourself a coffee, sit down and have fun. With a seemingly diminishing Covid 19, Post-Pandemic seems to…
If you read our website fairly regularly, you'll know that we're in love with the old fashioned. Historical buildings, timeless locations, options to not just read about the past, but to also be able to see it, touch it and feel like "we were there." In every country, there are countless opportunities to…
Camping is one of those love it / hate it propositions. Most of us are not in love with mosquitos. And, even in the summer, sleeping on the ground in a tent can be a lumpy and cold prospect. But, to be sure, the outdoor locations are usually mind-bogglingly beautiful, and you…
Soon, there will be a new kid in town. If all goes well, in 2023 The East African Federation (EAF,) a proposed political union of the seven sovereign states of the East African Community – Burundi, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kenya, Rwanda, South Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda – will merge as a single…
The World is on Sale for a Limited Time Only with Wendy Wu Tours Explore near and far in 2022 & 2023 with huge discounts on tours worldwide for every departure for a limited time only. Simply book any of their group tours with just a £99 / ($128 USD) deposit per person to…
We humans are always looking for good ways to improve ourselves. We want to be more efficient, more healthy, more loving and loveable. It's part of who we are. Thoughtful things, such as howing up on time. Dressing appropriately. Remembering the little things. Holding the door open. Et cetera. Some people…
We try to cover the earth as best we can when it comes to our articles. We're interested in everywhere, to be honest. You've seen articles here about Tokyo, or Berlin. We've featured places that you may not have even heard of, they're so obscure. But, we try to keep it…
Sweden, like most of the Nordic countries of Europe, is a marvelous place. Clean, progressive, egaliatarian, world-aware and full of smart people whom we could learn a lot from. But one thing that the Swedes don't do is small talk. No chit-chat. Short and sweet. Unlike most other cultures in the…