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Do you want Samoa?

Who better to ask about travel ideas than travel professionals? Our partner, Viator, asked its staff on where they would like to travel next.  There were lots of ideas, but Samoa struck us as a top idea.  Here's what they said: Sāmoa "I’ve been dreaming of going to the Cook Islands since moving to New Zealand two…

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Remember to Garden Your Reservations

One of the most important things you can do after you buy an airline ticket is “gardening” your reservations, especially when you book travel far in advance. I take the term gardening from Nicholas Kralev, tending to the bookings — checking up on them, and doing minor maintenance. Some common things that happen to reservations between the…

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British Bareways

A London Heathrow-based flight attendant for British Airways has deleted most of her social media accounts as an airline investigation is underway to uncover her identity, after the U.K.’s Sun newspaper revealed that she offered illicit onboard entertainment to passengers for a fee as well as selling worn items of clothing online to fetishists. The attendant, who also sells…

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To fly, you really need to roll up your sleeves

Want to take a vacation next year? Prepare to roll up your sleeve. Yesterday, the top executive at Australia’s largest airline said proof of getting the Covid-19 vaccination will be “a necessity” for boarding international flights in the future. “I think that's going to be a common thing talking to my colleagues in other airlines around the…

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Have a nice trip

A psychedelic experience can be deeply rewarding, but also carries real risks. Here’s how to avoid a bad trip. Humans have consumed substances with consciousness-altering properties for millennia. Traditional societies used them in healing rituals, initiation ceremonies and to make contact with the gods and the dead, among other practices. Today they are…

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Unencumbered Umbria

The gentler, less gilded neighbour of Tuscany, Umbria enjoys a lower profile and seems less troubled by tourism. The “green heart of Italy” doesn’t have an endless stream of visitors plying between their checklist of big-drawer Tuscan Renaissance cities, just miles of undulating hills carpeted in sunflowers, tobacco or untamed bosco (woodland). Read more courtesy…

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Sail the seven seas, over and over

Brian and Karin Trautman have been living on a sailboat for 10 years, and their boat is set up so they can be off the grid in remote places for months at a time with solar and wind power providing electricity, a water maker that turns salt water into fresh water, multiple freezers and loads…

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