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Life of Luxury

Life of Luxury

Ships of the desert

This might seem surprising, but it should come as no surprise in our world today.  The earth is getting flatter by the day. Cruise Saudi, a 100-percent Public Investment Fund-owned business that seeks to develop Saudi Arabia’s cruise industry, and MSC Cruises have announced the launch of Red Sea cruises in the coming winter 2021-2022…

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Shore and be gone

A visit to one of Ireland’s many stunning castle hotels is at the top of many travelers’ lists. A stay at a castle hotel is an ornate trip back to the glory and decadence of times gone by. Within a stony castle hotel in Ireland, you’ll find a warm Irish welcome, surrounded by idyllic Irish…

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Eat your way across Europe

One of the biggest pleasures of traveling Europe is the food. Every country has traditional and unique dishes to try, giving us the inspiration to spice up our own home cooking. While we can't get out to Europe's food markets to pick up culinary ideas and souvenirs, let us help you to taste your destination…

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Viking. More than just Norse ships and pillaging

If you're a traveler, you've likely taken at least one cruise in your life.  And, chances are good that you may have boarded a Viking Cruise ship:  they are some of the best and most forward-thinking cruise lines in the world. But, Viking goes beyond by also informing and entertaining us with their ongoing…

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Elon Musk is loopy

Well, that Elon Musk is always doing something.  Whether it's the reading the entire Encyclopaedia Britannica at nine years old, selling his first company for $307 million, founding PayPal and creating Tesla automobiles and starting SpaceX to send humanity to infinity and beyond. One of his passions is transportation, and his Hyperloop system is well…

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European self-sufficiency

Europe is often looked upon as a model of efficiency.  With nearly 750 million people living in a relatively tight space, they need to be.  But, Europe has also been the mother of invention there.  Spain created the spacesuit.  Iceland created the power transformer.  Ireland created the submarine . . .  and more. One modern…

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You get what you pay for

Many of us approach dining at a Michelin-starred restaurant as almost a religious sabbatical.   Our best trousers and dresses, shoes shined, hair recently coiffed, we cross the hallowed threshold into a world of inconceivable bliss.  And, the next thing you know, the entire month's paycheck is accounted for. Well, it's time to wake up.  It…

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Sydney to London in 4 hours, 35 minutes, 5 seconds

Meet The New Concorde - Virgin Galactic Mach 3.0 Supersonic Jet. Richard Branson is always pushing the envelope and, in this case, that means literally.  He has already embarked on his edge of space efforts, his land-based Hyperloop  and his resorts and cruises are legend.  But, now he is heading into the next frontier with…

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Hey, groovy cats. Dig this!

This is worth taking a special trip, especially if you love retro mid-century-modern design like we do.   MCR and MORSE Development have reignited the magic of Eero Saarinen’s landmark 1962 TWA Flight Center at JFK Airport, restoring and reimagining it as a first-class hotel. At the center of the hotel is Eero Saarinen’s iconic TWA Flight Center, where restaurants, bars and…

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Katarina – you must have seen her

Everyone loves a cruise.  Romance, food, the water and dreamy locations.  It pulls us with little or no effort. But how about something even more special?  How about a cruise of your own - just you and your friends and / or family - in some of the most picturesque locations on earth. Our affiliate…

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EasyJet – easy to get!

EasyJet - easy get!  New holidays to the Italian lakes We're super happy to welcome EasyJet Holidays to our group of affiliate friends. If you know Europe (and if you know us) EasyJet is a travel brand that we not only feature, but have also used again and again in our travels.  And now they…

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Doesn’t ring a bell

If you're an avid traveler, you've probably been to all of the top spots:  Venice, Paris, Buenos Aires, New York etc.  But you may have only scratched the scratch of what the world has to offer. This article highlights some of the world's least travelled locations.   Some of them are big names - Monaco, for…

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Safe travels? You can Belize in it

The Belize Tourism Board (BTB) is pleased to announce that Belize has achieved the Safe Travels Stamp, granted by the World Travel &Tourism Council (WTTC). The Safe Travels Stamp, the first global safety and hygiene stamp, was awarded to Belize in late December 2020 in recognition of the country’s enhanced health and safety protocols. The…

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Airline food

Perhaps it's just us (I doubt it,) but we can't imagine travelers looking forward to airline food, especially in this day and age.  Packets of pretzels generally do not make us squeal with delight anymore. But, always posh and always positive British Airways have anticipated our needs before we did and are now offering their 20,000…

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Ahead of the curve

As of 26 March, 2021, there are two pieces of welcome news for British people looking to buy an overseas property or prepare a home for rental. From March 29th the ‘reasonable excuses to travel’ abroad allows journeys from the UK ‘in connection with the purchase, sale, letting or rental of a residential property’. This…

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Whose cruise?

Travel is slowly peeping its head outside the door - and what do we see?  Cruises are on the horizon!  And Royal Caribbean has a pretty nice online brochure to whet your appetite. The brochure will make it easy to view all of their cruises to the Caribbean, Alaska or Europe. Featuring videos and ship…

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Blast resort

As of this writing, the dark Covid clouds are starting to disappear and people are dreaming about traveling again.  And, many are looking forward to all-inclusive resorts. While some travelers look at all-inclusive resorts as an exciting opportunity to let all their normal rules and restrictions go hang, others may find the bounty overwhelming, even…

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