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Time stands still, but still…

People often gasp when they visit British Columbia (BC).  Visit places like Vancouver, and you will see a shiny new metropolis bursting with energy, diversity, world-awareness and history.  This article is about some of the history. Fishermen still ply the seas.  The amount of timber in BC is sometimes hard to fathom - it just goes on…

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Adios, Covid. Now, it’s time to work

We could be wrong, but it feels like Covid is on the decline and that we can again breath a collective sigh of relief, pun intended. But, to be sure, it's not gone completely so be safe out there, as they say. And, as thanks, we can start to live our lives again but,…

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Post-Pandemic bucket lists

Please welcome our newest team member, Trish Filipovic. Whereas your editor jerks from one topic to another, Trish will focus on lengthy and content-rich articles. She's been all over the globe and knows what she's talking about. Get yourself a coffee, sit down and have fun. With a seemingly diminishing Covid 19, Post-Pandemic seems to…

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Moosewood good

We're not too young here at Matouring, so we remember things. Back in the 1970's, the "earth" movement really took hold. Healthy food, lifestyle and clean thoughts were at the top of the list for most "aware" folks back then. Out of that heady period came a genuine interest in making the…

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When normal just won’t do

There are thousands of hotels around the world who will give you what you want. But what if you don't know what you want, or want something completely different? We have a suggestion. Offering rooms and suites set in large caves, Le Grotte della Civita is located in the Matera's Sassi area, a…

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It’s crystal clear

Despite all that (most) people and companies try to do to save the planet, we're still on the path of no return unless we pull our collective fingers out and get it together. The most bothersome thing is that we have most of the technology and the knowledge. But it's the willpower (or…

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Let’s promote remote

There are so many fabulous places in the world in which to travel.  Many of us are lucky enough to be able to do so.  And, many of us have already been able to make the rounds and see all of the "star" locations, such as Paris, New York, Beijing etc. It will come as no…

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Vamos a Toronto . . pronto!

Let's go to Toronto now! We think that almost everyone has a warm and fuzzy feeling about Canada.  The country is almost like the North American Sweden:  healthcare for all, low violence, a population from every corner of the world and, honestly, nice people.  You can land here and relax. Probably the best place to start…

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Pobrecito: the twelve year-old president

It's not easy being important.  Above and beyond all of your daily duties, you have even more activities that fill up the rest of the day.  And that day often turns into night, since you're so busy. But some important people just can't get a break. Pity poor Pedro Sánchez, the Spanish Prime Minister.  Smart, young, handsome…

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The best of an island is once you get there*

“Lighthouses don’t go running all over an island looking for boats to save; they just stand there shining.” – Anne Lamott “We live on an island surrounded by a sea of ignorance. As our island of knowledge grows, so does the shore of our ignorance.” – John Archibald Wheeler “How I wish that somewhere there existed an…

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Romantic Ilulissat

We are pretty sure that most of our readers are of intrepid, open-minded,energetic and fun-loving.  All the world is your oyster.  A new day, a new adventure.  With that in mind, do we have a place for you! We're willing to bet that many of you haven't visited Greenland, yet.  The country probably doesn't leap to…

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IV drip trips

We're not sure if this is a trend, or a reaction, but we're seeing more and more wellness solutions appearing in the news and in our mailboxes. Why is this?  Are these jokes, snake-oil salespeople, misguided wellness gurus or . . . a real thing?  Something to think about when you click on a link or…

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Get away from it all, mate

Doesn't that look relaxing? If you ever feel like you're surrounded and need to make a fast dash to the door, then put New Zealand on your list of relaxed destinations. Its diverse regions and landscapes stretching across two main, small off-shore islands. This multi-cultural nation paves the way to a vibrant and embracing culture, inspired by…

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But what will you do with all that time?

It won't be surprise if we say that Japan is one of the happiest and most welcoming countries in the world.  Its residents strive every day find happiness in even the little things.  But, some of the quiet islands take that ethos even further. Okinawa, Japan has highest congregation of  people over 100 years of…

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