Walking is a boss activity to undertake daily, especially if you're a mature person who is too lazy to plunge into other forms of exercise (like us.) It must be the thing to do, as so many people in the spotlight write about it: all of these artists feature songs with the word…
The city does, for sure. And who hasn't heard of it? If that's you, here's a brief primer: Hong Kong SAR or (HKSAR) is a city and special administrative region of China on the eastern Pearl River Delta in South China. With 7.5 million residents of various nationalities in a 1,104-square-kilometre…
We always like to keep you updated on stuff. And some of the stuff may not always seem to relate to travel. But, rest assured, our aim is true. You see, sometimes - most times actually - there is a veritable bee-hive of activity happening to allow you to book your trip…
We can probably count - on one hand - those of our lovely readers who don't love Studio Ghibli films, the Japanese animation studio based in Koganei, Tokyo. With classics such as My Neighbor Totoro, Howl's Moving Castle, Princess Mononoke and more, Studio Ghibli is an eternal film franchise that captivates everyone who watches.…
Poor Cuba. Still battered by the USA (for reasons that we just can't understand) this beautiful and engaging country teeters on collapse, except for the strength of its people. We have a number of posts here on the site (click here) which should give any thinking person the desire to hop on a…
We present another one of those "now you see it, now you don't" posts. Nothing lasts forever, it appears. And sometimes the powers-that-be appear to be deaf to what the people want. Here, we're talking about the Stairway to Heaven Trail on Oʻahu, Hawaii, the Haʻikū Stairs. Also known as the Stairway…
If you're looking for the unusual, you'll never go too far wrong if Japan is in your plan. A more playful people probably cannot be found than them. And why not? Why not have fun during your workday, or for your entire life, for that matter? You only live once, in…
The world offers no shortage of fascinating, thrilling, silly, scary and sometimes confusing opportunities to behold what other members of your species are up to. We'll cut to the chase on this one, as it's quite a tale, one that could only really happen in the post-1960's movies, or for that matter, anything that…
Fear not, this is not another modern day 21st century shitpost as the title might infer. We don't do that kind of thing here. What you see is what you get with Matouring. So then, what exactly are we talking about? Today, we feature a little-known, but nonetheless interesting Spanish village…
France never gets tiring, unless you wear yourself out by living life to the fullest there. Of course, Paris is at the top of the list for most people, as is Marseille or Nice or Bordeaux. Few countries have the variety or diversity that France has, in pretty much all aspects. And…
Another history post for you, this time based in Russia. Many of you might remember the Cold War (if not, it was a period of geopolitical tension between the United States and the Soviet Union and their respective allies, the Western Bloc and the Eastern Bloc. The term cold war is used because there…
In this day and age, there aren't many monarchies around anymore. Many see it as an outdated hangover from the past. Others (like us) understand that sentiment, but also appreciate the sheer fact that these kinds of historical constructs can even exist to this day. Some monarchies end up being A. totalitarian…
Let's have a moment of silence for those who have tried and have failed. Here are just a few. We're sure you'll recognize a few: Sir James Dyson, Steven Spielberg, Thomas Edison, Walt Disney, Albert Einstein, J.K. Rowling, Abraham Lincoln, Jerry Seinfeld... the list goes on and on. But, as…
Space, the final frontier. Or at least that's what we thought at the time. (We've gone much further.) For many of us, the 1950's were a rather spectacular decade, some good, some bad. For example the post-World War II boom, the dawn of the Cold War and the civil rights movement in…
Sigh . . . there are the rich, and then there are the super rich. Many of them are hidden away, amassing their fortunes behind closed doors, periodically peeking out to survey the world, much of which they already own. If that's a world where you see yourself, good luck. We support…
It will come as no surprise to regular reader here how much we love Europe. There are very few places in the world that offer as much diversity, excitement and romance as that most desirable continent. And, if you happen to be in the UK and want to journey to Europe, hiring a…
C'mon. Admit it. You're still a kid. You still love all of the things that you used to love, even if your bones and muscles don't always agree. Roller coasters. Surfing. Go-karts. You know. Well, even if your body complains, there are still lots of things to do where you…
As if being in Spain isn't enough for your average tourist, we have something here that will make visiting even more exciting, especially if you like a good deal . . and a good deal more. Arguably one of Spain’s most significant contributions to global gastronomy, the tapa comes in all shapes and sizes,…
It’s the most dominant fast food chain on the planet, serving 68 million customers a day in 120 countries. You won’t spot the golden arches, though, anywhere on one tiny island in the easternmost Caribbean. “Bajans didn’t like it,” says Michael Harrison when asked about the absence of McDonalds in Barbados. “When they want a…
Who doesn’t love a Tuk Tuk? We certainly do, and we’ve been in them from Delhi to Peru. Cramped, noisy, smelly, chaotic and 150% fun.