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For Women Only

G, where should we travel next?

Our affiliate friends, G Adventures, are always on the cutting edge of sensing what the world needs next in adventure travel.  They've been doing it for decades and, so, know their stuff. Well, given where we are in this point in time, travel has had to change and shape-shift.  But, that has given us time to…

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But what will you do with all that time?

It won't be surprise if we say that Japan is one of the happiest and most welcoming countries in the world.  Its residents strive every day find happiness in even the little things.  But, some of the quiet islands take that ethos even further. Okinawa, Japan has highest congregation of  people over 100 years of…

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Maui Wowwee

One thing that can be said about the USA is that it has Hawaii.  The islands are a place where almost everyone wil agree that it is a "destination" for them.  Spectacular ocean waters, beaches, mountains and on average, 240 sunny days per year, you're almost guaranteed a good time. But, of all the islands,…

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Kinda blue

Don’t worry about feeling sad: on the benefits of a blue period. In a Twitter account called So Sad Today, the American writer Melissa Broder has been sending out snippets of her daily inner life since 2012. Broder writes about mundane sadness – ‘waking up today was a disappointment’ or ‘what you call a nervous breakdown i…

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Silence is golden

Sometimes there's nothing better than being out on your own, doing what you want to do on your schedule. And if you want a little peace, what could be a better choice than some of the expansive and - in many places - crowd-free places in Asia.  Just you, your backback, your phone and .…

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I’ve seen her before

We discovered an article the other day about a female model that you've no doubt seen before.  In fact, she's even been in one of our posts.  But, who is she?  What's she like? Well, believe it or not,  she's an unassuming Canadian woman by the name of Ariane, although her real name is Rebecca Givens. …

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Will you pack for Rúpac?

When you think of Peru, you usually think of Machu Pichu, which is logical, as it's the most well-known settlement in Peru.  But, it will also likely come as no surprise that it is not the only ancient settlement in Peru. The Archaeological Complex of Rúpac-Marca Kullpi, often known as the “Machu Picchu of Lima”,…

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Conversations with the trees

They can hear you, you know . . . The hippies never really went away, and that's a good thing.  What's so funny about peace, love and understanding?  But, the hippie movement has changed shape over the decades, especially since we now better understand that we must partner with Mother Nature rather than subdue her. Thankfully, there…

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Guam is da bomb

Usually, when we think of the USA, we think of corn fields, Mount Rushmore, NYC and Yellowstone.  Hawaii comes to mind just as often, and rightly so. But, we know that our intrepid readers are often on the lookout for something different, perhaps a bit exotic, but certainly unique enough that they can show off their…

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If you're a walker, we have some good news for you, indeed. Romania is in the midst of building a 1,400km walking / hiking trail traversing the entire country. The Via Transilvanica will stretch from the country’s northern border all the way to the south and the Danube, at the crossroads of Central, Eastern and Southeastern…

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Top considerations when booking flights

One word:  Stroopwafels.* People are a real mixed bag. Some of us like to talk to your seatmate on a plane, while others prefer to bury their nose in a book. Some people like a window seat, while others insist on the aisle. But you know what everyone is into on the plane? Snacks! The…

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You want stuff? We’ve got stuff.

"One man's junk is another man's treasure" as they say.   Do you like stuff?  If you find yourself in the southern United States (North Carolina in this instance,) head over to The Raleigh Market .  Prepare to spend the day, as the market has more than 500 vendors with vintage items, collectibles and more. The…

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You can have it all, but sometimes Mother Nature stops you.  Take Monaco, for example.  In case you're unaware, Monaco is a sovereign city-state and microstate on the French Riviera a few kilometres west of the Italian region of Liguria, in Western Europe, on the Mediterranean Sea. It is one of the most expensive and…

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Today's world is getting ever more intense . . . and tense.  Between Covid-19, Mother Earth pushing back on our bad behaviour, just general bad behavior of the "ultra haves" versus the have-nots, and work and home pressures, the temptation to "lose it" is often dangling in front of our noses. But, some cultures look…

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Less guilty pleasures

As we always say, there's no getting around getting around.  Sometimes you want to, sometimes you have no choice.  And, given the fragile state of Mother Earth at the time of this writing, we humans really need to think long and hard about where we go, when we go and why. With that in mind, sometimes…

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Yes darling, but is it art?

Creativity takes courage, that's for certain. It's one thing if you send your masterpiece to your friends and family, but it's another thing entirely if you bare yourself to the world. That being said, some of the best artists were laughed at in their early days, and now we spend millions to buy them and…

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Cycle, with meaning

Sorry, we meant Roughlee. Near Nelson, Lancashire, UK a refuge built in 1912 for mill workers to meet in nature is still open to cyclists for tea and leftwing sympathy. You can clearly see Clarion House from high up on the ridge between Barrowford and Roughlee. Not only because it stands alone on a green…

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Why? Because we’re the VatiCAN!

If you haven't visited the Vatican in Rome, please be sure to add it to your list.  Not only are the Vatican buildings, themselves, incredible, but the Vatican museum will blow your mind. As you may know, the Vatican itself is an independent city-state and enclave located within Rome, Italy and it is a distinct…

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Wales on rails

Wales, UK, is a place near and dear to our hearts, here at Matouring.  Often forgotten or misunderstood when compared to larger-than-life London, Manchester, Liverpool and Brighton as destinations, Wales offers a quieter side to the UK.  Green, lush with mountains and valleys that are second to none, if you haven't been to Wales, put…

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