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Faded Glory

Faded Glory

Faded Glory

Do you speak Livonian? Does anyone?

You'd have to be living under a rock not to know how available the world is . . at your fingertips, in many cases. The internet, cheap flights, Google Translate on your phone. If you haven't lived the (sometimes) nightmare of trying to travel in the 1960's or 1970's, then thank your…

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Einstürzende alte Gebäude 

If you're of a certain age (oh, mid-sixties for example) and were into "the new wave" of music that came out in the eighties, you might recall a German art band called Einstürzende Neubauten: translation, Collapsing New Buildings. Noisy, obtuse, artsy, they personified some of what it felt to be like during the 1980's. …

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From Talca to Constitución

You know our mantra here on our site. We love travel and we love history, and we love it when we can combine the two. And we love it even more when we find hidden treasures around the globe. Even more, it's always a thrill to be able to highlight history in…

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We read the other day of a former Russian submarine commander accused by Ukraine of deadly strikes on its territory has been shot dead while jogging in the southern Russian city of Krasnodar. It's possible that, after reading about that, people might shy away from Krasnodar. Political maneuvers will never cease, even as the "masters" of…

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