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Yer a wizard, Harry.

If there is anything more perennial and never-changing, but also ever-changing too, it has to be the Harry Potter series. Just think of it. The series started in 2012 (can you imagine that?) and it still pulls us all – and that means all of us back into its quixotic brew of humour, magic and that British  je ne sais quoi that people still love to this day.

And, certainly one of the biggest draws to that whole magical gumbo is the Hogwarts Express. You’ve seen it in the films, of course, and likely in amusement parks all around the globe. But what about the train? Is it fantasy, as well. Happily, no. It’s real (of sorts) and literally plops you down into the middle of the train itself.

Want to be on that train? Who doesn’t? It’s a real thing and you can be a passenger. Click here to book, Courtesy of

The castle used in the films is Alnwick Castle. Book a car and take a drive into the highlands. Click here.

Stay at the nearby Cookie Jar. Playful, relaxing & calling your name. Click here.

AutoEurope are all everywhere in the UK and beyond. Click here to book a great deal.

Make the whole trip special, and very British. Book your flight with British Airways. Click here.

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