We just love it when we happen upon something that is completely unexpected in our travels. There are so many happenstances for something to appear, whether you search it out or not. So be it – in this post, we’re highlighting nice buildings. And, given the nice qualifier, – let’s face it – uniform buildings that we see nowadays look pretty cookie-cutter, it’s always a joy to seeing something different – something that catches your eye and stays in your cranium. Here, what’s even better is that this new place is not new at all. Even more remarkable – it’s – somewhat stunning, funny, and sad at the same time.
Our subject has been around for almost ever and it is called The Skinny House, located in Boston, Massachusetts. Just ten feet wide (3.048 m) and 30 feet deep (just under 10 metres,) the story is that the this building’s “situation” was built out of spite (and other materials, of course) to block sunlight from the home positioned behind it; hence its other less friendly nickname: the Spite House. (There’s nowt as queer as folk, as the elders say.) And, lest you think that this is some newly-entitled modern neighbors’ TikTok battle, no it’s from the American Civil War (1800’s) and it was between two brothers. C’mon guys – don’t throw your toys out of the pram. Grow up! Want to know more? Click here courtesy of AtlasObscura.com

Boston is a joy, no matter your mood.

That’s the pioneer spirit! Click here for a Boston Tea Party of your own.

You can easily walk around Boston to your heart’s content. How about a car for the seaside? Click here.

How can you go wrong when you stay at a place named The Revolution Hotel? Click here.