. . . . without getting out of your chair. So, this post may be appear to be a bit dated, but it’s really not. Google, in spite of their gargantuan size and reach, often have the egalitarian leaning to simply give things away for anyone who uses the service. This is nothing like another similar company that never gives anything away. We like the ethos of the first company which, if you haven’t guessed already, is Google. We use them regularly, both as creators of this website, but we also absolutely rely on them in the real world.
So, while this topic of Google Earth may not be news, or even new, but Google is always updating its services for the benefit of the planet, in general. So, let’s take a look at some of the goodies that Google provides. The first is “Take a tour in Google Earth” where you can tour around the globe with some of the world’s leading storytellers, scientists and nonprofits. Explore stories and maps about sustainability, environment and cultural preservation. Click here to explore this impressive resource.

One big worry for all of the planet is global warming and its effects on all of us. Google monitors this and makes it all available to us. Click here to keep track of what’s actually happening. Do you ever want to shoot for the stars? Good luck with that, but Google offers nice alternative: Earth at night. Click here to shoot to infinity and beyond. When the sun goes down and the lights turn on, there’s still a lot to explore. Learn about NASA’s Black Marble project and see some of the brightest places on the globe.
Finally (at least for our purposes, let’s go in the other direction and dive deep into the seas. Discover the wonders found under the sea with imagery collected by Underwater Earth and The Ocean Agency. Click here. If you want to sample them all, click here, sit back and relax, and learn. And don’t forget Google’s motto: Do the right thing.