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The Water town of China

Apologies in advance for the mini-sermon here, but it always breaks our hearts when we see people unable to live their lives to the fullest due to geopolitical nonsense, as we are seeing now (this is December 2023.) Like a broken record, the same blindness and self-aggrandizement by a “select few” around the globe is, in many ways doing far more damage than most of us have any scale of being able to comprehend. This is, of course, obvious to anyone who has a brain and a heart, and yet, “they” get away with “it.” We’re talking to you, Jeff, and you, Elon and so many others.

There is some hope though, and that sits with us, people like you and me. It’s up to us to change all of that, because the power is actually in our hands. And, in the end we will all finish in the cold, cold ground, even you Jeff, and you, Elon. Why don’t you and your type step down from your daïs and do something good? You’ve made your point – now do something meaningful.

Now that your editor has gotten that out of the way, we will segue into the true intent of this post: it’s up to us to change the world, and with it, our attitudes about things. It’s like a snowball rolling down a hill, and we’re in control. Part of this effort is to make an effort and it’s not only smart and helpful, but it’s also great fun.

Witness the video from content creator “Little Chinese Everywhere” whom we absolutely love. Yes, she is Chinese and, like many of her country’s residents, is the kind of avid and open-minded traveler who you would want to see – and want to be and be with. In this video, she discovers new parts of (her home city of Guizhou) in her massive country, and it is a joy to witness. Ostensibly hers is a travel blog, but as you see her newfound joys of discovery of her country, you can also see how easy it is to fall in love with new places, have unforgettable encounters with new friends, and come away a new person.

As part of the video, be prepared to make copious notes as she she mentions all of the bank apps, VPN apps, translation apps, travel services et cetera that you might want whilst you’re there. And, don’t forget to download Google Translate (and the Chinese language) to your phone so that you can have real-time conversations with real-time people. And she She mentions all of the bank apps, VPN apps, translation apps, travel services that you’ll need while you’re there.

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