Smooth travels

The travel industry can be alluring, and that can include those who are actually part of it. Exotic locales, streaking through the skies at 600 mph or more – enticing! But just because you’re in the business, it doesn’t give you carte blanche – or Blanche, herself, in this case.
A listener on an Airlines Confidential podcast relayed a story about the pilot taking his lavatory break. Access to the cockpit is blocked while this is happening so prevent passengers from getting in. And a flight attendant goes into the cockpit so that the other pilot isn’t alone (a procedure adopted after the Germanwings crash where a pilot committed suicide, locking the other pilot out of the cockpit).
The pilot didn’t go right back into the cockpit. He spent time chatting with a flight attendant. And the listener wanted to know whether there’s a time limit for how long a pilot can be out of the cockpit during a flight. Naughty naughty.
But, all jokes aside – commercial flying is incredibly professional, safe, and you’re protected. Why not look into flying soon? We have deals!
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You can always take the train.