We’ve all been there. The plane was late. The taxi didn’t arrive. The hotel room wasn’t quite ready. And, in a matter of hours / minutes we have to get to sleep, or wake up, or run to a meeting. The hotel restaurant isn’t open yet, and it’s pouring down rain, or a blizzard is about to blanket your locations.
The question is: “What am I going to eat?” Well, desperate conditions require desperate measures. See what these improvising characters have devised. We’re not necessarily recommending it, BTW, but, as they say, any old port in a storm.
And, another little insider’s tip for anyone at a dinner, table one is rarely if ever actually the best table. Either the table numbering starts from the wings of the room (and you generally want to be in the center) or the event organizer will assign a less than the best table as number one and assign folks with big egos but who aren’t the most important to the event at that table so they think they’re at the head table when they really aren’t. Read more here courtesy of the always interesting ViewFromTheWing.com
Our affiliate friends Booking.com have a list of the best hotels near airports. Click here for more.

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