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Smile, you’re on hidden camera

Privacy is perceived differently across the world. For example, in Germany, very few offices have open doors, while in America, this is quite common. However, nobody would be okay with secretly being watched, especially during private activities. People might think you’re being paranoid, but you can’t help it. You’ve probably seen one too many movies…

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It’s secret season. Sshhh.

Insiders call it the ‘Secret Season,’ when travel bargains are everywhere: It’s happening now. We’re entering the Secret Season, the answer to a frustrated traveler’s prayers. It offers bargains, uncrowded destinations and mild temperatures. The good news: We’re entering the Secret Season, the answer to a frustrated traveler’s prayers. It offers bargains, uncrowded destinations and…

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Toto, I don’t think we’re in the USA anymore

Fifteen places in the US that feel like a completely different country. In the 1960s, the people of Leavenworth transformed their city into a Bavarian-style village to promote tourism. Almost 60 years later, that vision is still alive and well. With Alpine architecture, a mountain backdrop, and plenty of sauerkraut and bratwurst, it’s surprisingly easy…

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How our brain sculpts experience in line with our expectations

The Book of Days (1864) by the Scottish author Robert Chambers reports a curious legal case: in 1457 in the town of Lavegny, a sow and her piglets were charged and tried for the murder of a partially eaten small child. After much deliberation, the court condemned the sow to death for her part in…

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Drone prone

Drone Awards is the most important worldwide competition about aerial photography and video. It’ a project of Siena Awards, dedicated to a different photographic genre deliberately separated from being compared to traditional photography. The competition is opened to the aerial photography and videos whose platforms also include fixed-wing aircraft, helicopters, unmanned aerial vehicles, balloons, blimps…

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No stigma in Antigua, virtually

In keeping with the current trend of providing people remote-work visas, Caribbean country Antigua and Barbuda has become the latest nation to open its doors for people looking for a change of scene. According to The Independent, the country is willing to welcome digital nomads amid the pandemic — which has made it clear that…

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The Green Fairy

Absinthe is historically described as a distilled, highly alcoholic beverage. It is an anise-flavoured spirit derived from botanicals, including the flowers and leaves of Artemisia absinthium, together with green anise, sweet fennel, and other medicinal and culinary herbs. In Paris, during the 1920's, it became the favourite beverage of choice for artists, musicians, debutantes and…

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Annie, Get Your Guide

Matouring is pleased to join up with travel experts GetYourGuide.  As the name implies, they specialise in finding ideal activities for you when travelling. Look for their offers and advertisements throughout the site. "We’re on a journey to transform ordinary trips into extraordinary ones. We are your guide, bringing you personal experiences. Wherever your travels take…

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Flying trains!

The Wuppertaler Schwebebahn (Wuppertal Suspension Railway) is a suspension railway in Wuppertal, Germany. Its original name is Einschienige Hängebahn System Eugen Langen. It is the oldest electric elevated railway with hanging cars in the world and is a unique system in Germany. Designed by Eugen Langen and offered first to the cities of Berlin, Breslau and Munich who all turned it down,[2] the installation with elevated stations was built…

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Welcome OMIO

We're excited to welcome OMIO to our list of partners! Omio is Europe’s leading travel booking platform, offering a simple but effective tool that allows users to search and book trains, buses, and flights throughout Europe, the United States and Canada via web or app. OMIO simplify the travel planning process so that you can…

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